WildRose, I think it's in a different stock already. Leastwise, I'd hope so considering the guy bought it and then spent $2500 on aftermarket things to go on one caribou/moose hunt is Alaska in 1997. Honestly, I've only seen the rifle once, and all the information I have on it is what a senile old man told me.
Though, things got weird this morning when I was talking to the family. There are three children in the family, and none of them are really into guns. A son who is a pastor who has never hunted a day in his life. A daughter who has never shot anything with more oomph than a 38spl, And another son who only hunts birds.
Of those, only one has a child that would be interested in a rifle, and he's afraid of the recoil on a 303 Brit. None of them want it. Originally they were going to give it to me straight up, but now it looks like I may be buying it for about $200, IF they decide not to sell it to a pawn shop. Operative word being IF. Apparently, the old guy just told one of his younger grandkids that he thought I would get more use out of it when he kicked the bucket, but never put anything in writing.
Then I come to find out this morning, after being told about all this, that the guy is actually still alive! So now I'm uncomfortable talking about it at all because he's still above ground. It's weird.