Building a tactical rifle

Check on the California restrictions on building a magazine rifle; last time I checked, he could not do it but VERIFY. He does good work. Overbore
What are you looking to build and what, caliber, action, barrel, stock, trigger, base and rings, and scope are you going to use. If your going to build a tactical rifle, you should take a serious look at Kirby Allen. I am going to have him build my next rifle.

No particular reason for Nor-Cal except for the tactical vent & they seemed reasonable but thats why I asking you guys cause I don't know. I have a PSS in 300RUM, I want to put it in an A-5 Mc Millian stock with a DM, Oversize bolt & of course action trued & blue printed. Right now I have a 4-16 Burris Black Diamond on it but I would like a Nightforce with Badger rings & base. Jewell trigger.
Thanks for the info. I am building my 6x284 on an A-5 stock. It is an awesome stock, you will love it. Good luck with your project, let us know how it goes.


you have a couple very good smiths right here in VA. Clay Spencer in scotsville, and John Myer, Custom Gunsmithing in Boyce. I would recommend you talk with Vernon Harrison at Central Virginia Tactical, He has tactical shooting school in Louisa.

Ceejack: My apologies as I had a brain fart: I got mixed up with Nor-Cal Precision aka Jerry Rice, Gunsmith. He does excellent work and did have a repearter restriction, since lifted. GA Precision built a first rate REmmy Tac for me Overbore
Thanx BountyHunter, Vernon sounds like a real straight shooter(no pun intended). He gave me some very good info so I think I'll be taking his advise as well as some of his classes. Thanx to you also OverBore for the correction & I'm looking into GA Precision also. Thanx again.
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