Building a 338


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2007
Wanting to build a 338 edge or lapua........
Would like input on barrel twist plan on shooting 300gr bullets....
338 lapua is common in many places and the brass is costly but good....
338 Edge is a wildcat but both are close and using 300 rum brass which is easier to afford..
What barrel would you go with?
The action is Rem from 300 rum...
I would do an Edge Broughton Brux Krieger come to mind for barrels I would do a 9.3 Twist to a 10 Twist I would also look into a Wyott extended box.
IMO, the first thing that needs to be answered is how long of a barrel do you want this to have. If you don't want anything much longer than 26inches then I think your best choice would be a 338RUM.

If you are looking to have something built in the 28-30 inch range it would be hard to look past the 338Edge and now that Shawn Carlock has his 338 edge +P up and running it would be very difficult to not jump on that.
No, I never tried anything heavier than the nosler 250 ab. From what I have read from Long Time Long Ranger he said the 225gr will get there flatter and still have the punch to do what I need out to 1000 yds.
Sorry to be asking a dumb question, but I've never heard of the edge +p. I'm assuming it's just the .338 edge run at higher presure. Is it a special chamber? How much faster is it? From what I've read is most edge loads shoot best near the same velocity as the Rum. I'd love to know more?
There is an article that is written by Carlock on the 338 plus P
In this in Froum: Long Range Hunting and Shooting dated 08/27/2011.
Speaks a little about it there.
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