Browning bar good enough for 700yds?


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2015
Hey guys. Curious how may have a Bar that's accurate? I have a classic safari in 300 WSM it is outstanding and beautiful, shoots several factory rds inside 1" and really likes the Winchester expedition long range 190gr ABLR about .7-.6 3 shots. This is a Hunting gun foremost. I have only shot it out to 500yds but the 2 groups were 4.5" and 4.75". I have a Sig Whiskey 5 3x15 on it.
Any body else have one that they take LR?
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If it shoots well enough and you can shoot it well enough...why not? Once the bullet leaves the muzzle it doesn't care where (what) it came from, only where it's going.
My buddy has one that I would not hesitate to use. I wish he would sell it to me, it shoots freaking great!
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