Briefing from the National Sheriffs Conference

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Doesn't take a news conference to see every bit of what he said every day. I don't believe for one second it won't end even if the USA is attacked. We have allowed the system to take control and only one thing will bring control to the people back. Yet, across the board Americans are too lazy scared and our lives too easy to make the change. I'll stop there.
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To me, this video is not as much about a call to arms in the traditional sense as it is about having conversations with your loved ones and others about what to do "if" something happens.
He mentions several times of the panic that some people have when they misplace their cell phone. Personally, I rejoice when that happens but I see where he's coming from.
We all need to PLAN for it. It sure doesn't hurt to do that!

Things like always keeping the fuel tank on the top half are easy enough to do, but many don't think about it.
Keeping a few extra groceries on hand, and yes even toilet paper, are things that Mom and Dad did just because that's how they were taught.
One big one for those in colder areas is planning for dealing with loss of gas or electricity for the furnace.

There are obviously lots of others, but you get my point.

I would hope that for those who didn't learn it from Mom and Dad, that the pandemic would've taught people to plan for things that "could" happen, no matter how unlikely.

Thanks again for posting this, I really do appreciate
I lived in Butler Co. Ohio for years most people like that guy he doesn't mince his thoughts and words
This is information that he received and is relaying to the public and not his thoughts.
No, he doesn’t sugar coat it nor should he.
Take the advice or don’t, it’s everyone’s choice but should be known. JMO