Bino? Leupold Wind River vs. Nikon!


Active Member
Jul 21, 2005
I am going to purchase a new pair of Bino's and I'm interested in these two. How do the two compare? I'm talking about in the $400-$500 range. 10x42 10x50 8x42. I will say that I am not a nikon fan. I purchased a Nikon monarch red dot scope this past year and was not pleased with their customer service at all!!! It shattered inside on the second shot and they gave me a big run around about replacing (lifetime warranty)! Anyway, which brand would you suggest? Thanks!
I have the wind river Olympic (10x50) and am very pleased with them. Never looked through any nikon binos so can't compare, but I will say that you would not be dissapointed with the leupolds. The 50mm objective really pulls in the light, but it also makes them a little heavy. the weaight hasn't been a problem for me though, but then again I'm a 20 year old who lives in the gym.
Unless they have improved, I was unimpressed with the Wind River binos. I use the Nikon 8X42 ATB's and the new 12X50 Action EX extreme. Both give superb optics. I have used the ATB's on a hunt and they are superb in low light. Just a bit blurry on the edges and will distort just a bit when panning. For viewing in one spot then moving, superb. The Pentax WCF is also great, a bit larger/heavier but better colour rendition.

Resolution from both is right up there with the best. I am not joking. On Sunday, I was at a 1000m fun shoot. At that range, I could easily resolve the wild grass growing behind the backstop with the Action EX binos. There was even a pair of Zeiss binos there marked 10X42B Roof Prism with ribbed armour, quite heavy (no one knew which model this refered to). Anyways, the owner 'knew' his binos were great after taking them on some sheep hunts. Side by Side, he liked my Nikon's better.

The ATB's can be had for around $200 to 250 and the EX's around $150. I have the resources to buy whatever I want. With these Nikons, I see no need for hunting inside 1000m.

I personally like the Nikon Monarch ATB's for the best buy. I think the Nikon's are slightly better than the Olympics, but slightly behind the Pinnacles. The Pinnacles seem to have a little better color contrast over the Monarchs. But the Nikons are over $100.00 cheaper. Gotta like that.
I have to say that Jerry 's experience is right on line with my own. A couple of years ago I bought leupold wind river binocs for one of my sons. I have to admit that I was banking on the brand without having any actual exp. with them......... OOOpss. I really don't know what else to say. Well. maybe that is not entirey true, you , see my sdon now has Leupold WR's and I have nikons and mine are better than his /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gifA couple of notes , I , like Jerry Teo can buy what we want in this search, but I have learned the hard way that dollars is no longer the measuring stick it once was .

As much as I love the leupy scopes, I have to say stay away from the WindRiver stuff. To be quite blunt, it just flat out sucks.
Well I guess I must of got a good pair because my olympics are the best binos I have looked through and I have looked through several nikon and bushnell binos. Last weekend I used my Olympics to watch a herd of pigs at 4:30 in the morning with the only light coming from the moon . These binoculars could easily pick up the black pigs roaming around in a dark landscape at night, that is good enough for me. But you should go and look through the binos and see what you like, as your eyes may be different than any of ours.
I guess I am speaking from limited experience. I have never looked through any of the larger WindRivers. The only ones I have looked through are the compact models.

If your after a large pair, it sounds like they may be pretty good.
As much as I love the leupy scopes, I have to say stay away from the WindRiver stuff. To be quite blunt, it just flat out sucks.

[/ QUOTE ]Bill,
I must agree, I have a leupy scope on every rifle that I own and would not have a pair of wind river bino's.
Have you ever given thought to Steiners? I have a pair of Military/Marine 10x50s ($498 at that have always performed for me up to 1000yds or so and a few times I have picked out parts of deer with them in a brushy dark canyon at the very edge of legal shooting time. See them clearly with the binos..... lucky for the buck I couldnt find him with my scope. Before these I had a set of nikons that while clear fell apart bounceing around on the four wheeler one day. Looked through a few wind Rivers and was not impressed. Probaly the best thing to do is go to a sporting goods store and look through every set of Binos they have then get online and find out the cheapest place to buy em. Good luck!
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