Bighorns wyoming units


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2014
I am wanting to introduce my wife to elk hunting, what units would you recommend for a cow hunt in the bighorns? She is not ready for a pack hunt yet and she loves the bighorns so thought we would try there. Thanks for any replys.
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I am wanting to introduce my wife to elk hunting, what units would you recommend for a cow hunt in the bighorns? She is not ready for a pack hunt yet and she loves the bighorns so thought we would try there. Thanks for any replys.

38, 37, 45 in that order based mostly on land accessibility they all have elk. If you are a resident and can hunt wilderness then that opens up 41 and 36
There are cow tags for off Forest Service hunts. Area 34-35-36. Open till the end of Dec. Lots of walking, but the elk come down for the winter. Timing is alot.
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