Best way to ship wild game meat?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2008
Sabinal, TX
I want to send some meat up to my family on the east coast and I'm wondering what kind of shipping time I need to pay for? Anyone here have experience sending meat through the mail?

I'm planning to use a styrofoam cooler and put dry ice above and below the meat with a thin layer of crumpled newspaper insulating the meat from the dry ice- to keep the meat from getting freezer-burned. All the meat is vacuum-sealed. I'm going to tape the cooler shut so that it'll be air-tight, to slow down the evaporation of the dry ice. But I'm not sure, exactly, how long it'll stay frozen this way.

I KNOW that 2nd Day Air UPS will work fine, but I'm wondering if 3-Day Air would work- will it stay frozen? Because the 3-day air shipping is 1/2 the price of 2-day air.

Any advice would be appreciated!

I want to send some meat up to my family on the east coast and I'm wondering what kind of shipping time I need to pay for? Anyone here have experience sending meat through the mail?

I'm planning to use a styrofoam cooler and put dry ice above and below the meat with a thin layer of crumpled newspaper insulating the meat from the dry ice- to keep the meat from getting freezer-burned. All the meat is vacuum-sealed. I'm going to tape the cooler shut so that it'll be air-tight, to slow down the evaporation of the dry ice. But I'm not sure, exactly, how long it'll stay frozen this way.

I KNOW that 2nd Day Air UPS will work fine, but I'm wondering if 3-Day Air would work- will it stay frozen? Because the 3-day air shipping is 1/2 the price of 2-day air.

Any advice would be appreciated!


It all depends on how much meat and how far you are going to ship it. my family ships meat all across the us useing insalated boxes and dry ice useualy a block and half of ice on top of the meat stuffed with newspaper will get you from Kansas to new york on second day air! hope this helps btw you don't put dryice on the bottom of the meat just lots of newspaper and a block or twon top. Good luck
You might want to check with the shipper about using dry ice. 15 years ago or so i was painting Seely Masker's gun stocks for him. I live in Md. and he was in NY. and he wanted some deer meat. I knew regular ground shipment was 2 days so i packed some regular ice in plastic and placed in styrofoam and shipped, of course it was winter. he said it was still frozen. I called ups and there was some glitch about shipping with dry ice but i cant remember if you could or not. Worth a phone call.
You might want to check with the shipper about using dry ice. 15 years ago or so i was painting Seely Masker's gun stocks for him. I live in Md. and he was in NY. and he wanted some deer meat. I knew regular ground shipment was 2 days so i packed some regular ice in plastic and placed in styrofoam and shipped, of course it was winter. he said it was still frozen. I called ups and there was some glitch about shipping with dry ice but i cant remember if you could or not. Worth a phone call.
We ship 15 or boxes of meat a day by Ups or Fedex cant remember witch!
Not that I can rember its been about a year since I worked for my family but they still use dry ice and they use Ups or Fedex it might be someting worth looking up on there websight!! hope that helps
Like i said this was about 15 years ago and i just plain forgot, thanks anyway.
Just so you know, a few years back I was shipping some elk meat to my folks back East. I also used a styrofoam cooler and dry ice, and then I taped it up really good with duct tape. While driving down to the FedEx shipper, thank God I was going slow just pulling into their parking lot, there was a VERY LOUD bang (similar to a gun going off). When the gases expanded from that dry ice, it blew the top off that styrofoam cooler - I about had a heart attack when that thing went off! Apparently you don't want to seal it so good as to make it airtight where the gases can't excape. Just thought I'd save you a good scare, would hate for that to happen to somebody while driving 75mph down the highway. And believe was friggin' LOUD.
Just so you know, a few years back I was shipping some elk meat to my folks back East. I also used a styrofoam cooler and dry ice, and then I taped it up really good with duct tape. While driving down to the FedEx shipper, thank God I was going slow just pulling into their parking lot, there was a VERY LOUD bang (similar to a gun going off). When the gases expanded from that dry ice, it blew the top off that styrofoam cooler - I about had a heart attack when that thing went off! Apparently you don't want to seal it so good as to make it airtight where the gases can't excape. Just thought I'd save you a good scare, would hate for that to happen to somebody while driving 75mph down the highway. And believe was friggin' LOUD.
Drill one small vent hole through the lid. 1/8" is more than plenty. Problem solved.
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