Best Brass for 30-378?


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2012
After extensive research I have found the Norma and Lapua brass to be a favorite among the experienced shooters; can anyone steer me towards which one I should buy for my 30-378?

And why were on the subject and suggestions on loads and bullets for long rand 1000+ shooting? I hear the 215 VLD's, 200 Nosler Partition, and 230 Berger hybrids are good? An preferences?? If so what was the exact load and OAL?
Just the man I want to talk to, I've read a lot of your posts, you seem to know a lo about 30-378. I am having GAPrecision make a rifle as we speak, today they ask if I could send them a couple dummy rounds and real ones to help them make sure the chamber will fit my loads I plan on shooting. Here's where someone like yourself comes in. Ive have been researching last couple days for two good rounds to send them, a lighter and a heavier one. I have come up with a 200g nosler partition and maybe a 215 or 230 berger hybrid. I am looking for the best long range load for deer and elk a past 1000+ if need be. What rounds and exact loads/OAL would you recommend. If it is easier I would like to call and chat, my number is 757 701 6266,
Just the man I want to talk to, I've read a lot of your posts, you seem to know a lo about 30-378. I am having GAPrecision make a rifle as we speak, today they ask if I could send them a couple dummy rounds and real ones to help them make sure the chamber will fit my loads I plan on shooting. Here's where someone like yourself comes in. Ive have been researching last couple days for two good rounds to send them, a lighter and a heavier one. I have come up with a 200g nosler partition and maybe a 215 or 230 berger hybrid. I am looking for the best long range load for deer and elk a past 1000+ if need be. What rounds and exact loads/OAL would you recommend. If it is easier I would like to call and chat, my number is 757 701 6266,

There are things I need to know first. One, are they using a standard reamer with Weatherby freebore?

I have helped set up a lot of 30-378's for long range. The bullet we are having great accuracy at distance with is the 230 Berger. We have been using the OTM version that has a G1 BC of .719 with H-1000 and a FED 215 M primer. The accuracy has been awesome and velocity is good too. The 230 Makes this large cased 30 a lot more efficient.

If you will be doing the majority of your shooting under 1200 yards I would consider the 230 Berger Target with a G1 BC of .743. But understand the target has a slightly thicker jacket and will not expand quite as well at the longer distances. But will still most likely be more accurate and expand better than most any other over the counter bullet at longer distances.

I just emailed GAP now and I will call GAP tomorrow and figure out which reamer they will be using. Ill let you know tomorrow what I come up with.

I will be doing the reloading for this gun but for now my brother has to reload these rounds that I will be sending to GAP for the build of the gun. In the future I will be able to play with the OAL and seating depths in order to obtain the best accuracy, but for now do you know what OAL I should have my brother load the 230 Berger Target to in order to send to GAP so they can chamber it correctly?

Also do you have an overall length for the 200g Nosler partition load? or do you have a light load similar to the 200g that your prefer now? In a 2011 post you said:

"Your velocity is right on the sweet spot I found for my Accumark with a stock barrel with 210 Bergers. I have shot this rifle to 1200 yards with about 1 moa on average and felt that was good for a factory rifle. I also found that when you add some barrel length to this rifle you get good velocity gains."

Do you still recommend this load or any lighter load than the 230g with a OAL? My goal is to send GAP one light and one heavy load.

Thanks for your feedback Jeff
I would like to know if the rifle has standard free bore or no free bore before we can talk OAL.

For now all I can tell you is that a standard 30-378 accumark mag box will load and feed them out to 3.800 OAL and in a few boxes 3.820"

The 2011 load data is a good load for the 210 Berger VLD in a rifle with standard free bore. This was before the 230's were available. Like I said the 230's make for a way more efficient load, so I take advantage of it.

I see no reason to load a 200 anything in this rifle. The 230 will do everything a 200 will and more.

PS: all the loads I will offer for the 30-378 will be brass friendly. If you load the soft norma brass up too far you will have loose primer pockets in 2 to 3 firings or less. I like to get 5 firings + so I do not load them on kill. This is why I stated that it would be nice if Lapua made brass for it, but they do not.

When you say the 230 in your previous posts, is it 230 Match Hybrid Target or the 230 Hybrid tactical that you recommend for 1200+ yards. The BC's on the Target are slightly better but you sound like you use the Tactical bullets for your long range shooting?

Is their better brass you recommend than the Norma?

When we started using the 230 Bergers the OTM was the only offering. So that is what we have been hunting with. But I have and am using other Berger Targets for hunting and that is where I draw my opinions from.

Instead of researching brass, you would be better of researching the numbers. The big case gets you about 3-4% more velocity for >20% more powder usage with more recoil and muzzle blast and barrel wear.

The increase in velocity "gain" disappears at about the 50 yard line, where it begins to be equal to the 30 mags.

Just my thoughts.
Instead of researching brass, you would be better of researching the numbers. The big case gets you about 3-4% more velocity for >20% more powder usage with more recoil and muzzle blast and barrel wear.

The increase in velocity "gain" disappears at about the 50 yard line, where it begins to be equal to the 30 mags.

Just my thoughts.

I agree until you go to the 230's, then the case becomes more efficient.

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