Best .30 caliber 200+ gr high performance bullet


Active Member
Oct 30, 2012
What bullet is everyone considering the best 200+ gr projectile? I would like to load a or have someone load a very fast flat shooting technical bullet ie VLD or hybrid that can perform like a target bullet and expand like a killer. Maybe AMax or the new long range Barnes.......

Anyone out there pushing their 300wm up over 27/2800 with a 200 plus "hunting" round?
What bullet is everyone considering the best 200+ gr projectile? I would like to load a or have someone load a very fast flat shooting technical bullet ie VLD or hybrid that can perform like a target bullet and expand like a killer. Maybe AMax or the new long range Barnes.......

Anyone out there pushing their 300wm up over 27/2800 with a 200 plus "hunting" round?

Lots of guys are doing what you are asking about. I don't know if any of us are that concerned with fast and flat shooting. As the groups are more important than the speed, most try to reach a balance. Everyone is going to want more details like your rifle and your intended game and your going to get a lot of different answers from a lot of experienced guys each with there own opinion.
You might want to wait a month or so. Nosler is coming out in 2013 with a new Long Range Accubond in a 190 gr. and 210 gr 30 caliber projectile. It is supposed to work well at short distances as well as at longer distances. I think I remember reading that it will expand at velocities as low as 1300 fps. Sounds like it might be a great all around bullet.
might want to see what is available from wildcat and matrix bullets as well. I have a strong suspicion that once other bullet makers see how Nosler is entering into this arena of LRH and Barnes already has a slight jump on it, that Hornady will soon have something available. Would be very interesting if Sierra and Speer got on board as well.

I wish technology was available or used to make a VLD bullet that shoots like a target bullet, but was bonded like a Scirocco (best bonded hunting bullets with a tip in my humble opinion). Can you imagine shooting, for example, a BONDED 180 Berger VLD in 7mm from an STW or RUM with a 30" barrel? Or a 240 gr 30 cal same style bullet from a 300 RUM or 30-378? We'd have the perfect hunting bullet.
ICAN. I appreciate that and yes I should be more specific. I just say 'fast' because if I can push it up a little quicker I can get better expansion out of it at longer distances. I will using it for deer, hogs, and maybe in the future for my next big yeary trip to Canada for Caribou. Even if it's overkill for thin skinned deer I don't care. I am a shooter and a gear head and want great performance over being worried about if it's too heavy for deer. Hogs you can never have enough performance.

I am a hog hunter first and foremost and am trying to get into the 1k yard club in February on a boar in the coastal plains of California. I have a 700 yard kill but this new gun will take me ver 1k.

It is:
AICS 300wm
stiller action
hart barrel 6 grooves 1:10 twist helical fluted
Jewell trigger
Vortex optics

I think it will spin a 230 so I had applied ballistics make me up some. But I really know deep down that's a bad bullet for hunting. So I need advice. I hear guys using the OTM, Amax, VLD's and Barnes LRX.
What bullet is everyone considering the best 200+ gr projectile? I would like to load a or have someone load a very fast flat shooting technical bullet ie VLD or hybrid that can perform like a target bullet and expand like a killer. Maybe AMax or the new long range Barnes.......

Anyone out there pushing their 300wm up over 27/2800 with a 200 plus "hunting" round?

Here is a bullet to consider and read about. It has been good for me in all aspects. Take a look at this thread and see if it fits your needs. It is the most consistantly accurate bullet I have ever loaded in my 300 win. and it has not failed yet with 13 kills this season to 1285 yards.

Happy reading
Awesome data Broz! I'm gonna have chad at Dallas reloads make me up some to these specs. I am also gonna have some of the Barnes made up.

I don't know why but I have a hard time trusting a tipped bullet being subject to drift because of an axis problem over or equal to a target, bthp, or hybrid bullet. Thoughts?
I don't know why but I have a hard time trusting a tipped bullet being subject to drift because of an axis problem over or equal to a target, bthp, or hybrid bullet. Thoughts?
Your trust seems to be built by what you read. Shift your focus to building trust based on what you've done and proven for yourself, and you'll see your horizons broadened substantially.

I've been using amax and vmax bullets for years without seeing the effects you mentioned.
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