Berger 6.5 140 vld Hunting vs 140 elite hunters

I have not personally shot the 140 elite but the other elites have a larger hollow cavity than the vld and seem to expand more reliably. If you check the 2 by dissecting them, I suspect that's what you will
No I'm in the same boat. Trying to figure which to start with since both seem to be hard to find. I'm building another rifle as well. My older one loves the 140 amax but those are no more. I have some 143 eldx but was thinking of trying the bergers with the new build.
No I'm in the same boat. Trying to figure which to start with since both seem to be hard to find. I'm building another rifle as well. My older one loves the 140 amax but those are no more. I have some 143 eldx but was thinking of trying the bergers with the new build.
Have you considered the 147 ELDM? They are pretty much a higher b.c. Amax. I've had good results with them.
No I'm in the same boat. Trying to figure which to start with since both seem to be hard to find. I'm building another rifle as well. My older one loves the 140 amax but those are no more. I have some 143 eldx but was thinking of trying the bergers with the new build.
the 140 eldm is the 140 amax with the heat tip. I can interchange the 143 eldx and 147eldm in the same load with no change to accuracy, externally they're basically the same
I know. Hybrid vs vld Hunting, vs elite hunter. Getting pretty busy!
And VLD Target, OTM Tactical, Hybrid Target, Match Hybrid Target, Match BT Target, Target, Classic Hunter, Full Bore Target, Exreme Outer Limits Elite Hunter, Match Juggernaut Target, AR Hybrid OM Tactical, BR ultimate Boattail,,

I hope their bullet making staff is larger than their merchandising staff.. But I gotta wonder
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