Berger 300 Hybrid - 5th Shot - Compare w/SMK


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2004
Blackfoot, Idaho
Time for a comparison with SMKs. I have a good feel for the behavior of the Hybrid in various densities of media, as I do the SMK.

The only remaining thing to do is/was to shoot the Hybrid into the backstop full tilt, as I have done with many 300 SMKs.

Generally SMK penetration is about 8" of blow sand (very fine) which is supported between plywood which is mounted on the 8" side of railroad ties.

The SMKs open a wound channel in the sand such that usually the 2nd shot and always the third shot complete penetration, Those that penetrate are usually found laying on sand immediately behind the backstop. As in, they barely penetrate but fall to the ground within an inch or so of the base.

I am sufficiently comfortable with consistency of fabrication of the Hybrids to rely on very few shots to get a performance sample. In this case, I selected a single representative bullet from the 3 remaining for this test.

The SMKs have been shot at 200 yds. Note the penetration numbers above.

The Hybrid was shot a @ 300 yds.

The weight of the sand and weakening of the front piece of plywood (lots of holes) has caused a bulge such that the width of the sand is a little over 12".

Muzzle velocity was the same for all shots except that H-1000 was used for the Hybrid and US-869 for the SMKs. (Running low on 869, use it in the 270 AM, plus H-1000 gives lower ES)

For an unbiased observation here are 4 SMKs and one Hybrid.

Which one is the Berger 300 gr Hybrid?

Yep! #4 from the left.

Side View

Remaining weights: SMKs 94.2 to 106.7
Hybrid 97.0

Penetration: SMKs average of 8"
Berger 11.5"
Note: No first SMK has penetrated to the depth of this single Berger that was called upon to represent all of the 300 Hybrids. Its a real hero.:D

Note: It has been a couple of weeks and plenty of rain to pack the sand and keep it wet.

More SMKs

Conclusions: You make 'em.:)

Thanks for the report Roy. They do look similar and retained weight looks to be in the same ballpark with both brands.
Great work Roy. Do I understand this correctly? The Berger shot from 100 yards farther penetrated 4 1/2" deeper?


In this particular case, yes it did!

All you have to do is follow the very dry and sometimes, if you get there quick enough, warm seam/trail in the wet sand.
All this nose slump thing and Berger bullets reputation for rapid expansion had me thinking the hybrid would be less tough on the terminal end than the SMK. This test doesn't look that way. They look more like twins.

Has anyone compared jacket thickness on the SMK and Berger's hybrid?

I neglected to note that the Berger was the only bullet of all those in pics that went through the 2" side of a 2X4 before entering the sand. Sorry for the omission.

Regarding thickness, I don't know.

The Hybrid 'seems' to be a very small amount softer than the SMKs. I just finished picking SMKs that are pretty much the same shape as the Hybrid and doing the flex thing. It's hard to tell but the Berger may be slightly softer. Either way my finger is hurtin'.:rolleyes: Just another less than scientific test.:D
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