Berger 300 Hybrid - 4th Shot - After Fixture Rebuild.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2004
Blackfoot, Idaho
It didn't take too much time to revise/update the fixture. Cut the bottom and made a hinge from belting. It opens like a clam shell. Put a new end on it with a piece of 2" hard foam insulation as a bullet catcher as the over all length is considerably shorter after the "big bang".

I thin the reason for the big bang was the brittleness of the pipe. It had very little flex.

Here's the setup:

Nothing is solid this time. Also the bungie cords are tensioned very precisely. Note the blue bullet catcher.

Wrapped, tied down and ready for a shot.

Boooommmmm ---Wooommmppppp!

300 yd zero looks close. Wow, no damage. (Grinnnnnnn)

Things must have flexed sufficiently. No loss of media. All the media was well loosened which indicated the bullet went from one end to the other. With less explosiveness due to change in fixture I suspect bullet performance to be slightly different.


Next post. The bullet.
The bullet penetrated the entire length of the fixture except for the piece of 1/4" plywood at the rear. It stopped, touching the wood back, after penetration of the "bullet catcher".

The bullet drifted about 2" to the right and up an inch in 25" from the point of impact.

Entrance into bullet catcher.

Back side of bullet catcher.

The bullet as found.

Residual weight = 148.8 grains. The lead was carried in the jacket the entire 25"
Look's like you're getting the design of the catcher's glove down pat.

The more flexible, the greater the survivability during the period of maximum rate of energy transfer. Nice photos. Thanks for putting in the effort, and sharing the end results with us.
Much less bomb affect and the bullet looks like it stayed together better. Good pics and thanks for putting in so much time Roy.
Very cool Roy. Im impressed to finally see a piece of lead left with the bullet.
Hey if you started using colored ballistic media, you could hang a canvas and make an abstract painting. Might be worth millions.:D
Proud of you for improvising and making it all come togather for these tests. I appreciate it. Thanks
This has been fun to watch. Thanks for the hard work it has taken to share with the rest of us. You adapt well. I like that inquisitive thinking. Great Post!
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