Well-Known Member
So yesterday I was out at about 9:30 to 10:00am. I was trying to range some rocks at about 900 yards. I could consistently get ranges on closer rocks and trees at 850yrds but looking up the mountain (eastward) farther and somewhat into the sun a bit I think the beam was getting washed out. I was able to turn around and get some ranges on some rock on another side of a hill which my back was now to the sun at 950yrds. It an old bushnell range finder that has a max yardage of 999yards. It still does what I need for almost 90% off all my shooting needs. Just curious if anyone has seen something like this on some of the higher end tools like the Leica 1600b since this is what I have been really looking hard at. I want to be able to range some much farther distances for rock shooting and when hunting to see how far I have to travel or shoot to get to some animals but mainly it will be for shooting rocks at 1000 and past 1000yrds.