Basic reload question

Having been a machinist I have a hard time spending the money for either dial or digital calipers. I prefer verneer calipers. No gears to jam or needles to break and about 1/10th the price of digitals. Although I don't reccomend them for most reloaders. If money is a concern Robins then dials will do nicely but DONT BUY PLASTIC. ONLY STEEL WILL DO.

Computer or server is acting up guys. I'm out for the night.
Thanks 7rum and 4ked i learned alot i gotta head out to i have to start work in a couple of hours and some sleep would be nice.
I still have the vernier that i got presented with when i finished my machining apprenticeship in 1981, it hardly ever got used and now i cant see well enough to read it consistantly. I cant be bothered to put on my glasses each time i take a measurement, so i bought a digital vernier for back up.


"I mean't to shoot the pike but the duck got in the way"
In the first machine shop I worked in my boss and I had to inspect and sort about 1000 plates with holes in them. The holes were either too far apart, acceptable +/- .020 (if I remember right), or too close together. Well he had his fancy Mititoyo digitals and I had the verniers that dad gave me when he quit using them as a mechanic. When it was all done my boss had sorted 20 more parts than I had. He was about 1 minute ahead of me. I have never before or since had such a demand for being fast and accurate so like I said I am hard pressed to "upgrade". The only caveat would be the issue with vision but at 36 trips around the sun (soon to be 37) my vision is 20/20 and I don't see (no pun meant) that changing any tiome soon.

I wonder who else here still uses vernier calipers?
I dont know which one of the two posts had the referance to the book ACB of Reloading. But i just picked it up and will start reading it tonight. Thanks 7rum
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