Barrel life and barrel cap?s


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2012
hey guys im just getting into the larger caliber longrange game so please excuse the dumb questions. Anyways im lookin at buying a used remington sendero that supposibly has 260 rounds down the barrel. It has a muzzle break which i will be taking off so i can still make the pull up and shoot shots that are needed around here on occasion without blowing out my ears. My questions are 1 what is a questimate of round count before the barrel goes to hell? 2 where would i get a threaded cap that would match the contour of the sendero? and 3 what is a reasonable price for this gun? its in good shape has the break, a trigger, and a nightforce 20moa base installed. thanks for any help guys/gals
What is the caliber? That greatly effets barrel life along with how hot the barrel gets and how hot the loads are that are shot through it. Do you reload?
What is the caliber? That greatly effets barrel life along with how hot the barrel gets and how hot the loads are that are shot through it. Do you reload?

wow cant believe i forgot thatlightbulb its a 300rum. i dont know how they were loaded before but it was shooting 210 bergers. ive reloaded for my 243 but nothing for any big calibers thus far.
I would say expect another 500 rounds at a minimum 700 if you take real good care of it would be my guesstamation. I don't know about the barrel cap but I think $850-$950 is a good price. Hopefully others will chime in and give you a price.
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