Barrel life 408


Jun 16, 2002
I know it depends on a lot of factors but does anyone have some estimates of barrel life range for the 408 CT?

I am not out to set any speed records but cruise along with 420gn bullets at say 2800fps and 28" barrel.

Thanks for any guesses.
I don't have one but my guess based on what I've read would be several thousand. Possibly even 5000. Doubt there are many people who have ever shot one out.

Just my guess.
I would imagine that 5000 is extremely high and I have never heard of any magnum getting anywhere close to that.

Most magnums and such are going 1000-1200 or so for top accuracy and are totally gone by 1500 or so.

Most 308s do not make 5000 and those are easy comparitively.

My first guess was probably highly optimistic. Here are the numbers I'm pretty confident in: 6.5-284 1200, 6BR 2200, 308 4000. These come from the competitive shooters. They are the ones that shoot enough to have shot out many barrels AND have a very good handle on accuracy. They do tend to shoot pretty fast at times and they need the very best accuracy to stay in the game. With hunting accuracy the numbers would be higher, for some people at least.

Seems like there are estimates of 1200-1500 for the 338 Edge. But again there isn't nearly the data there is for the three above. I'd think the 408 CT would be in the same ball park as the Edge. But now I'm back to guessing.
50% of them are going to burn out by 3000 rounds. I have seen them go as high as 4500. The 375's will average 2000-2500 the 408's will be 2500-3000

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Good, someone who's not guessing. That's why people are drawn to the larger bore sizes for long range. To me 2000 to 3000 is pretty darn good for all that much performance!! I'm most interested in the 375 and would be happy with 2000.
Thanks for the replies. Gotta love these extreme forums. Ask questions as a new guy and don't get chased off for doing it. Just get honest opinions.
I saw a post on snipershide of one of the Cheytac guys was on his 14th barrel averaging 4500-5500 shots each barrel. (not Dean)
I saw a post on snipershide of one of the Cheytac guys was on his 14th barrel averaging 4500-5500 shots each barrel. (not Dean)

Yes that was dave and that wasnt ever barrel only most of them. They did get some up to some very high round counts before the accuracy went to hell.... But i would say that average is a little high.

BTW how is it going jimmy? Been a long time since i have seen you around...
Hey Bobby I'm doing well. I have been crazy busy this year and haven't got out much. Good to hear from you.
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