Barbour Creek student take antelope @ 1507 yards

I don't shoot at animals past 800 yards. It's just my personal set limit. The reason I have set myself at that limit is because I have shot A LOT at 1000 to 1800 yards at steel. It just isn't consistent enough for my hit to miss ratio to justify me shooting at an animal.

But what I'm not going to do is tell someone they can't do it. That's not my place, it's the person behind the triggers place.
Another thing that plays into it, and especially in this situation, is the caliber being used. There's simply better odds of a hit at extreme ranges with a 338 lapua vs a 6.5cm.
I shoot once or twice a week religiously from 576 yard to 1321 yards rain shine wind or no wind. I wouldn't take the shot there are too many variables over 1000. I am not good enough yet and may never be good enough or feel comfortable taking the shot he did. Odds are if he took that shot 10 times at 10 different animals his miss/not clean kill ratio would be fairly high no matter how good he is.

The point is it's none of our business whether chooses to do that is completely legal. He shot and killed it good on him. When/if things don't go right he will have to live with the results. Again not anyone's business but his own.
I agree his ethics are not relevant to us, especially on this site given the rules. I'm sure he doesn't post the misses or wounds though. Heck we have no idea if that was the first or tenth antelope he shot at that day. So when people say "he got him with one shot blah blah". We have no idea how many misses or wounds came before that.
I may or may not have a nice 338 . It was or may have been built very nicely . While I can say that I would not take the shot only means I have not been able to verify my dope . When I have my information correctly planned and can place a finger on a trigger , I would hope that only my mind plays into the picture . That's my me time . I may have a bow , 7wsm or heck an 870 16 ga. but I'm still allowed to do so . Please don't let some one take that away

outside and presently
It seems the experience level on this forum has significantly degraded over the year.
Once your at the level the OP is at your managing the variable so well you don't miss on game, you recognize a shot that is doable, you manage the details, you have a competent spotter give you input, that goat was as dead at 1500 as it would be at 400. The percentage of wounded game is significantly higher by people at close range who haven't cared enough about the game to put serious effort into shooting.
The people I know who can shoot at this elite level while hunting got there because they are holding themselves to a higher standard and then take action on that and with that come the potential for more range which is just a tool in a hunters toolbox making them better at what the end goal is and that is a clean kill!!
If you had ANY long range experience or firsthand reloading knowledge, you'd know that the variables were outside of their control and they had no REAL confidence in making the shot. They took a risk be cause they were cocky ands don't give a **** if they wound an animal.
I told him to change calibers to 7prc or 28 nos if wants to shoot that far

EB app gives you the information
You are looking for

He is well trained in my wind technique but it was definitely a little far for a CRM

I also played with the ventus. Chuck and Josh came here to compare my wind reading to it and learn. They were surprised on what they learned

Anyway the thread is getting old Len you are welcome to turn off comments

So we can move on from the folks who have issues with it. He's a grown man and can do what he wants. I would have kept it in the 1000-1100 yards but I'm me and not him
Great shot and wind call

My students train to just over 1600 yards on life size animal targets shooting across valleys with a 6.5 creedmoor

And do great but I do tell them train far so closer shots are easier.

Thats all. Have a great
I told him to change calibers to 7prc or 28 nos if wants to shoot that far

EB app gives you the information
You are looking for

He is well trained in my wind technique but it was definitely a little far for a CRM

I also played with the ventus. Chuck and Josh came here to compare my wind reading to it and learn. They were surprised on what they learned

Anyway the thread is getting old Len you are welcome to turn off comments

So we can move on from the folks who have issues with it. He's a grown man and can do what he wants. I would have kept it in the 1000-1100 yards but I'm me and not him
Great shot and wind call

My students train to just over 1600 yards on life size animal targets shooting across valleys with a 6.5 creedmoor

And do great but I do tell them train far so closer shots are easier.

Thats all. Have a great day!

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You want this comments section turned off because it makes you look like an *******. Make an honest video of YOU, THE EXPERT, making a 1507 yard first round hit in VITALS on an antelope sized target in the wind condition of your choice with a 6.5 Creedmoor factory load, and I will send you $1,000.
If you had ANY long range experience or firsthand reloading knowledge, you'd know that the variables were outside of their control and they had no REAL confidence in making the shot. They took a risk be cause they were cocky ands don't give a **** if they wound an animal.
There, I'll post for most of the guys abilities on here. Experienced shooters who practice can make this shot. Would a 6.5 creed be my go-to, NO, but it was a good shot and kill. The orange box is 3". I will take @Barbourcreek class and feel even better about it. Kudos to the shooter and great shot.


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Why isn't this thread locked at this point? Seems like it would be worth shutting down the drivel of angry idiots
I hate to say it but it appears that we've entered the unmoderated zone and the long range hunting nay sayers have become emboldened. This might be the beginning of the end of the LR Hunting forum as we've enjoyed it for many years. It's a very sad thing because I've been here since the beginning and I've made it my online home for many years because of the protection from these kind of people and their negative attitude towards long range hunting.