Ballistics Software Comparison


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2007
I probably won't be able to tell. I was real pleased with how well each software performed. Just think it will be neat to do further comparisons with real data. Each one produced very similar results.

I had always wondered how different each software was... Now I know. They are not very different.


(Somehow this post got placed in front of my original post??? Not sure how I managed to do that... Weird)
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Just out of curiousity... I ran Exbal, Ballistics, Bulletflight, and JBM for a quick side by side comparison in Excel. All the input for each model (wind, temp, humidity, etc) were all the same and is shown at the top. Below is a screen shot of the results. I thought yall find it interesting also.

Now that I have the comparison.. I need to get out and shoot to see which one matches my actual drop chart the best.


How will you tell which one matches the best? The extreme difference is only .6 moa at 1000yds and .25moa at 500yds?

To me, the biggie isn't so much what the chart tells you, that can be adjusted by changing the B.C. of the bullet in the program, but the ability to sight in at 500' altitude 45% humidity etc and then go to 7500' and 20% humidity and have the program give you adjustments based on your actual zero. The Night Force program will do exactly that from a pocket PC platform and I love the thing!
Coyoter, I have purchased the Night Force ballistic targetting software and am running it on a Palm pilot. I have been having trouble getting it to track accurately through out the complete range (100 yd zero to 1500 yds) I am shooting. It will be on at one range and then be off at another in the same atmospheric conditions. I would like to know if you would take the time and share the exact steps you took in setting the progam up and what adjustments to B.C,sight above bore,velocity,zero point,turret click value,using just atmospheric pressure and no elevation reading and so on you may have had to take in getting yours to track accurately. I would greatly appreciate your experience and knowledge in this. Thanks, robinstan in Idaho
Coyoter, I have purchased the Night Force ballistic targetting software and am running it on a Palm pilot. I have been having trouble getting it to track accurately through out the complete range (100 yd zero to 1500 yds) I am shooting. It will be on at one range and then be off at another in the same atmospheric conditions. I would like to know if you would take the time and share the exact steps you took in setting the progam up and what adjustments to B.C,sight above bore,velocity,zero point,turret click value,using just atmospheric pressure and no elevation reading and so on you may have had to take in getting yours to track accurately. I would greatly appreciate your experience and knowledge in this. Thanks, robinstan in Idaho

Are you only using a G1 BC? If so you might want to try a different drag model, i.e...G5, G7. The standard G1 doesn't fit every bullet which is possibly why you are on at one range and off at another.

Keep in mind that the value of the BC will be different for each drag model. If you do a search here I'm sure you can find enough info to get you in the ballpark. Just my $0.02.

Good luck.

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I know many people, myself included who started out using JBM. It's a free online resource with tons of info plus it works. Here's the URL:

JBM - Calculations

...toward the bottom of the page you will find the trajectory calculators.

There are many stand alone programs as well. Most of the common ones range from about $70-$150, but of course you can go up from there.

The highest version of Ballistics and Bulletflight is $12.99 and $29.99 respectfully. They are used with the Ipod touch or IPhone. Exbal runs around $60 I believe and JBM is a free online calculator.

I shot my gun this weekend and now have a drop chart out to 775. I will rerun my numbers and compare them to the results. I am probably going to have to change up the BCs to get the data to match my chart. We will see how it goes.

Oops I totally forgot about the iPhone appz. As far as price goes
they are much more reasonable. I can't speak for bullet flight but ballistic
is pretty nice. It has a lot of features for the price.
ZUNRJ5, Thanks for the information. I will look into the different drag functions and see what the B.C would be for the Berger vld I am using at the velocitys it's shooting and see if this helps. Thanks again.
I'm glad i could be of assistance.

You should be able to find some good info on VLDs and drag functions here: Articles

The site belongs to Bryan Litz. I believe he's a member here as well.

Good shooting,

The Nightforce program will work with pocket pc 2002 or 2003. You could probably send them an E-mail to see if it works with newer versions.
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