Thanks, that tells me a lot
[/ QUOTE ]
Dear mooser,
go and read the link from supermag.
It is a great info for understanding the MILS principles.
and if you use my excel file, and modified the distances, and size of the animals, the wind value, you would start understanding how mil systems can help you.
It is a great method when you rangefinder it let you down (to could to operate) or dead battery.
Do your home work, read and read, and try to get used with mils scopes used.
In a real hunting situation, for quick holdover can be very useful to aim right and also for wind correction without using your knobs.
Here in Alberta, If you shoot a buck with horns (antlers) less then 4 inches you can put the dow tag on it.
So if your buck is popup at 100yards and in your scope at 20X power you see the horns are exactly between the 2 mils, it is a dow - so perfect met in the fridge.
The same for elk 3point, the points lenght not less then 3.5 inches (the same techniques used with matching between your mils at 20x power), and it can help you for letter troubles, explaining to the warden, ... You know, I was thinking.... it was legal... Please...
You know the old story.