Bainey box install w/pics


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2013
Southern Oregon
My 7-08 needed a new longer mag box to be able to repeat with its current load. I purchased a Bainey box with follower from PTG back in January. Last weekend I finally got around to doing the install. Here are some pics and brief descriptions of how it went down.

Disclaimer: I am not a gunsmith, Nor do I claim to be one. I am ever the do it yourself'er and enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of a job well done. I am also aware of the risks involved wether it be safety or turning my project into scrap if I screw up.

Here are the tools I used; old Dremel Tool with small carbide bit, flat grinding stone, round grinding stone, cut off disc, small stone, 500 wet dry sandpaper.

I stripped the rifle to get to this first step. Set the new box in place and mark where material needs removed. (towards the rear only)




The front of the new box needed trimmed quit a bit to line up with the actions feed ramp.

To be continued...


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Next step was to mark the bolt stop for trimming

Once the bolt stop was trimmed to allow the bolt to stop just barely behind the mag box it was time to mess with feeding. I removed the firing pin assembly since I would be cycling live rounds. This is where I was most concerned about making a mistake. You don't want to remove too much from here or you can have major problems. This took the longest time making small modifications and testing over and over till it was right. I used a small file, the small stone and then finished it with 500 wet dry paper.

Overall I am pleased with the finished product. It feeds my amax load and also the 150 Scirocco load both fast and slow flawlessly.
My amax load was .045" too long for the factory mag, and now I have .050" of room to spare.

I hope this is helpful for somebody out there. If I did it all wrong, I'm open to suggestions as I will be doing this on another rifle in the future.
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I'm thinking about a bainey box for one of my short actions, any recommendations or things you would do differently if you were doing a second one?
Main thing I would do differently would be to use the carbide burr (instead of the grinding stones) more and take a little more time. It was easier to control with the burr and not make unnecessary gouges.
Make up some dummy rounds with old brass for when you make adjustments to the feed ramps. Scratched the crap out of a couple of my good brass.
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