Please allow me to add another ballistics insight for you.
As Isaac Newton discovered a very long time ago, all objects (bullets in our case) drop to the ground at virtually identical rates in response to gravity. They start falling at zero velocity and accelerate toward the ground more or less identically regardless of weight, size, or shape.
How much any bullet (all bullets) drops is strictly and unconditionally related to how long they have been dropping. Time and time alone defines how far a bullet drops. The more time, the more drop. The less time, the less drop.
A perfect bullet going twice as fast in the forward direction takes exactly the same time as the slower bullet to reach the ground. HOWEVER, because it's going twice as fast in the forward direction, it covers twice the distance in the time it takes to reach the ground. Or expressed a different way, it reaches the target twice as fast so it has only fallen half of the time and so it drops less than half the height (drop). I say "less than half" because it all gets a bit more complicated when you realize that all bullets ACCELLERATE faster and faster toward the ground, but DECELLERATE horizontally as they fly toward the target.
The ballistics coefficient, drag, and weight all define how quickly the forward velocity deteriorates. A slippery pointy bullet slows down more slowly than a flat head bullet. That means the slippery bullet covers more ground before it falls to the ground or drops a given height. This effect becomes more and more important the further out the distance is.
However, the time to fall to the ground stays virtually the same for all bullets regardless of all those parameters.
So, for any bullet over a given distance:
1. Faster means less drop because time interval to drop is shorter and therefore drop is less
2. More slippery for the same initial velocity means less drop because bullet slows down less and therefore covers more ground horizontally
3. More weight for the same velocity, shape, and size means less drop because of conservation of forward momentum
At its core, drop is easy to calculate if you know the time interval between here and there.
However, knowing the time interval is the hard part! That's really what ballistics is all about. That pesky ballistic coefficient in all of its varients, are all attempts to define mathematically how quickly a bullet decellerates in the horizontal direction due to the resistance of the air it travels through. If we know that, then we can calculate the time interval, and then the drop is easy peasy!
So that's the insight. Ballistics is really all about time.