Aussie hunting video clips-new !

That was nice. What is the loop of red string on the forestock side swivel for?


Thats a custom, patented piece of red string that I designed myself. Years of RD came to that !

Simply, I tried a safety rope from one side stud to the other incase of a stud failure, the rifle wont hit the dirt. I carry mine with 2 slings like a pack .

A little more stuff to take a look at !

Hi Down Under Hunter.

EXCELLENT Hunting video there mate! Well done, one of the best 'edited' small vid's I've seen for some time - great job.

I really like the understated background sound clip, the editing transition that lines up with the audio and overall 'story', just brilliant. Pity you didn't have any other moving footage of the target. :D

What were the specs: Rifle, calibre, distance (approximate), video editor, e.t.c.

Thanks for sharing that one, just great.:cool:

Cheers. CentreHit
Hi Down Under Hunter.

EXCELLENT Hunting video there mate! Well done, one of the best 'edited' small vid's I've seen for some time - great job.

I really like the understated background sound clip, the editing transition that lines up with the audio and overall 'story', just brilliant. Pity you didn't have any other moving footage of the target. :D

What were the specs: Rifle, calibre, distance (approximate), video editor, e.t.c.

Thanks for sharing that one, just great.:cool:

Cheers. CentreHit


The rifle used is a DE 338 EDGE. Distance was actually 350. WIndows movie maker is the editing program used.

Stay tuned therre will be more soon....


Hey DUH,

That was nice, very nice indeed.
Did you get any footage from your last hunt?
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