ART Reticle

Greg Duerr

Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
Reno, Nevada
Does anyone out there have the Holland ART Reticle in their Leupold Rifle Scope?

I would like to find out what your opinions are .
I have his HUMR in a 6.5-20x Mark4 and love it. 1st shot at a game animal was a 435-yd. coyote using my XP-100 6.5 WSM.

He's got an all MOA reticle out now that should be quite nice. Ernie (XPHunter)'s been posting on it some.
What does HUMR stand for ...........................Im not sure what is his All new MOA Reticle.....................Is it on his web site...................Is it the same as the ART
Greg ART stands for Advanced Reticle Technology and all his reticles are opart of that group. Hey look down a couple headings here to the "Videos threads", and i think Ernie has it in his youtubes there. The title i think is called "My favorite Reticle and Dope". The reticle is gonna look a bit different shortly--i think it's gonna have .2 MOA stadia lines probably at the edge of each quadrant for very fine reticle rangefinding apps. like the TMR.

BTW, HUMR stands for Holland's Ultimate Mil Reticle.
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