Are there any good Gunsmiths that aren't booked up?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2012
Central Ohio
I have a Remington 700 LA in 7mm RemMag that I would like to have a new barrel put on. I would supply the gun, a new Kreiger 5r blank and a brake so the only wait time would be for the machinework/gunsmithing. It will still be a few weeks out before I have the funds but I would like to know what my options are. I'm located in Ohio but I can travel or ship everything. Also, about how much $ am I looking at to get this completed? (ballpark)

Any sugestions on anything else I should do as this build is going together? I don't want to have any regrets when this is finished. So far these are the things I intend to have done for sure.

1. Action Trued
2. Barrel installed with heavy duty recoil lug
3. Upgrade the trigger and stock

I'll probably go with a Rifle Basix trigger. ( I have one on my 308 and I like it pretty well ) I'm not really settled on a stock yet. Possibly an HS Precision Sendero or a B&C M40.

I'd appreciate any advise.

"any other suggestions"

Yes - I would not bother truing up an action and installing a match grade barrel on a rifle that has not been properly bedded.

The 3 B's of accuracy:

I'm sending the gun & barrel off tomorrow to the gunsmith. I purchased a B&C M40 stock. The only details I need to hash out now is if I should have it threaded for a muzzle break while he has it. The gun will mostly be shooting steel. Is a break really needed? The recoil didn't bother me in the factory stock so I would assume with the heavier stock & barrel it won't be an issue. Thoughts?
I'm sending the gun & barrel off tomorrow to the gunsmith. I purchased a B&C M40 stock. The only details I need to hash out now is if I should have it threaded for a muzzle break while he has it. The gun will mostly be shooting steel. Is a break really needed? The recoil didn't bother me in the factory stock so I would assume with the heavier stock & barrel it won't be an issue. Thoughts?

If you are OK with the felt recoil and can see the bullet impact on your target on your scope then don't.

IIWY, I'd have a muzzle brake installed (an average thread and install is ~$100 + cost of MB) ... being able to see the bullet impact the target on your scope is priceless ... JMHO.

Good luck and happy safe shooting/hunting.
I do like the ideal of seeing my impact. I guess now that you mention it even with my 308 sometimes I lose sight of the target upon recoil. The 7mm will have more recoil than it so the break is looking like a good investment.

Look up Phoenix custom rifles. I believe full builds are only a month out. Simple action true and rebarrel might be more like 2-3 weeks and runs about $500.
Picked my XLR/TAC338 build up from PCR this morning. With work like this don't expect their waiting list to get any shorter...
Stiller TAC338 action
Jewell trigger
Bartlein 9.5 twist stainless, chambered in 338LM
APA FB brake
XLR HD tactical chassis
My own bolt knob

All gunsmithing and cerakote work done by PCR. There's no less than 7 different colors in this full digi camo job:



Good gunsmiths are very busy these days. Call Kevin Cram, owner of Montour County Rifles, an advertiser on this site. He will do a good job for you.
That's a sweet looking rig BodyWerks. If it shoots as good as it looks you should be good to go. Mine will be a little simpler, similar to the M40.
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