Members of the LRH forum,
Applied Ballistics is a proud sponsor of the Long Range Hunting site, in particular this forum on Rifles, Bullets, Barrels, & Ballistics.
For a limited time (now thru April 18), we are offering a $100 off discount for the Applied Ballistics Seminar to be held in Dallas, TX on May 23-24. This special discount is available to LRH site members who use the code: 0523LRH100 when you sign up for the seminar.
This seminar will be held at the Dallas/Addison Marriott. In addition to the discount for the seminar, we've also arranged a block of rooms at a discounted rate of $149/night. This discount will also be valid thru April 18, then the rooms will revert to the normal block rate of $165/night (the non-discounted rate for rooms in this hotel is $278/night). Here is the link to the discounted block of rooms.
With the discounts above you can save $148 if you sign up by April 18th!
You can learn more about our seminars and how we're advancing the discussion on the science of accuracy here: Applied Ballistics Seminars - 2016 - Applied Ballistics, LLC
Take care,
Applied Ballistics is a proud sponsor of the Long Range Hunting site, in particular this forum on Rifles, Bullets, Barrels, & Ballistics.
For a limited time (now thru April 18), we are offering a $100 off discount for the Applied Ballistics Seminar to be held in Dallas, TX on May 23-24. This special discount is available to LRH site members who use the code: 0523LRH100 when you sign up for the seminar.
This seminar will be held at the Dallas/Addison Marriott. In addition to the discount for the seminar, we've also arranged a block of rooms at a discounted rate of $149/night. This discount will also be valid thru April 18, then the rooms will revert to the normal block rate of $165/night (the non-discounted rate for rooms in this hotel is $278/night). Here is the link to the discounted block of rooms.
With the discounts above you can save $148 if you sign up by April 18th!
You can learn more about our seminars and how we're advancing the discussion on the science of accuracy here: Applied Ballistics Seminars - 2016 - Applied Ballistics, LLC
Take care,