Anyone Use Leupold Ring w/Nightforce Scope?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2011
Southwest Alaska
My .300 RUM weighs in about 12 pounds just guesstimating, so I thought I could use Leupold standard bases and rings. But now I have the Nightforce 5.5-22x56 in hand, I am wondering if these bases/rings will hold this two-pound scope securely. I like the adjustability of the screws on the rear base for the last nth degree of windage and didn't want to spend another $300 for a rail/ring combo.

Should I try it out and see? I do not want to damage the scope considering the cost.

Any opinions appreciated.
Standard rotary dovetail rings are steel and can be tightened to 20 in-ibs. Steel flexes less than aluminum, so two screws per ring are adequate. Those rings will hold fine, IF you lap them and use a torque wrench. Lapping is essential to good grip and minimizing point of aim shifts. Damage will be limited to ring marks on the scope tube.
I don't know about the standard Leupold rings and bases, but I only use the mark 4 rings and bases with my nightforce scopes. They are heavier and cost more, but are rock solid.
That is about the last ring base combo I would use. Warne would be a much better choice . When you put a big heavy scope in those rings there is a good chance that rear ring which is barely being held by the windage screws will shift. I really wish guys would get away from these rings they are a very poor design. Get yourself some warne, TPS, Mark 4, Nightforce, Badger, seekins, they are worth the money and are far superior to those dang STD leupold rings.
Wouldn't recommend considering those rings.

Why would one invest in a Nightforce and attempt to mount it in iffy ring mounts.

A consideration would be double dovetail bases. The standard bases failed miserably on a 338 RUM.

I have one rifle that requires double rings to hold the NF. Two sets of Nightforce light rings have proven successful, so far, in holding the scope.
Years ago, I put a dent in the tube of a Sightron scope with those rings. My NF manual says do not use turn-in rings.
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