anyone get a VX3 LRP yet?


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2015
curious to see how this is going to work out. it seems to have everything anyone would want including an amazing weight. not sure if i like the huge elevation turret though.
I don't own one but I have had the chance to shoot one and the scope has an impressive set of features and ran real well on targets from 100 out past 1000. And the glass is outstanding. If you can get past the look of the turret, which I do find odd, I think it would be a great all around scope to use.
I am interested too in the LRP, the elevation turret is a little unsitely but function over form.

Anyone find any online reviews yet?

I am assuming the glass itself is the same as VX3i.

Yet it weighs a bit more than VX3i counterpart (4.5-14×50 models).

Repeatable elevation adjustments will be its true test compared to similarly priced SHV (MSRP).
I am interested too in the LRP, the elevation turret is a little unsitely but function over form.

Anyone find any online reviews yet?

I am assuming the glass itself is the same as VX3i.

Yet it weighs a bit more than VX3i counterpart (4.5-14×50 models).

Repeatable elevation adjustments will be its true test compared to similarly priced SHV (MSRP).

haven't found really anyone who has one. other then a few people here and there who looked through them
I have one in 6-20x 50 with TMOA reticle. Great scope glass, dials true. Zero stop is great,- no way to go past zero, plus it has marking ever time you dial a full rotation so it's easy to keep track of where you are at(15 MOA a rotation). Clicks are distinct and not close l together like the other VX 3i's

First time out I zeroed at 100, then shot steal. Dialed to 550 1 shot, back to 480-3 shots, then Out to 1100 a dozen shots, and back to 550-3 shots. All were first shot hits. I'm really liking the scope. Only thing I don't like so far is the size, it's a big scope with a tall wide turret. Not as tall as the older 6-20 vx3 target but it is a big turret.
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