Pick a rifle that you are comfortable with, bring an extra layer of clothing, a poncho, and don't be afraid to use an improvised rest when taking your shot. Ranges will most likely be less than 200 yards and the deer are a little spooky, so bring good binoculars and don't be afraid to sit quietly and glass the area thoroughly. Be patient and be quiet, you will have good success as there are lots of deer in that area. You are going to be hunting along the edge of a lake in that area, use that to your advantage, lie up along the edge and glass the beach thoroughly early morning and late evening, best luck usually as the sun rises, I try to be in place by 5:30 am with my binos out and up. I live on the west coast of Washington and harvest deer every year for the freezer, I recommend head shots. No adrenaline dump, the meat is fantastic. Have fun and be safe sir!