At least it's not smut......
One of the other forums I frequent, I get that crap from an Oriental dating site....
The one on here that used to really toast my buns was the John Deere Gator ad that you 'rolled over' and it took the entire screen.
I don't need no stink'in gator..
Poor site management or greed, who knows. Ads pay the site owner money....
I'd like to see Len change the format to a PPV site where you pay a minimal subscription fee and there are no ads at all. I'm on a couple PPV sites that run the software this site runs on and it's nice not to have ANY pop up ads at all.
It can be set up so non subscription users get all the ads, PPV users get none...
I can 'pay to play', No issue with me at all.
I find the constant barrages of ads on this site irritating at times.
Wouldn't it be nice not to see all the commercial advertising????