An unforgettable hunting


Aug 10, 2024
New York
The first light of dawn was just breaking over the rugged Texas landscape, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. The air was crisp, carrying the earthy scent of mesquite and the distant call of a mourning dove. I had been up long before the sun, prepping my gear, checking my rifle, and mentally preparing for the day ahead. This was my first deer hunt in the Lone Star State, and I could feel the excitement thrumming through my veins.

I was deep in the heart of Texas, on a sprawling ranch that seemed to stretch endlessly across the horizon. The land was a mix of rolling hills, thick brush, and open fields—prime territory for the white-tailed deer that roamed these parts. My guide, an old-timer with decades of experience, had taken me to a secluded spot overlooking a narrow draw. He had assured me this was a prime location, where deer often passed through as they moved from their bedding areas to feed.

As I settled into my stand, the world around me began to come alive. The rustle of leaves, the scurrying of small critters, and the occasional snap of a twig kept my senses on high alert. Time seemed to slow down as I scanned the area, my eyes searching for any sign of movement. The patience required in hunting was both a challenge and a thrill—every moment of silence was charged with the possibility of sudden action.

It wasn't long before I spotted a flicker of movement in the distance. My heart rate quickened as I focused on the source—a buck, cautiously stepping out from the cover of the brush. He was a magnificent animal, his antlers proudly displayed, his coat a rich brown that blended almost perfectly with the landscape. I watched as he moved slowly, methodically, his senses finely tuned to any danger that might be lurking.

I steadied my rifle, taking a deep breath to calm myself. The buck was still some distance away, but he was moving closer, following the path that would bring him right into my line of sight. The minutes felt like hours as I waited, my finger hovering over the trigger, every muscle in my body tensed in anticipation.

Finally, the moment came. The buck paused, lifting his head to sniff the air, his eyes scanning the surroundings. It was now or never. I lined up my shot, focusing on a spot just behind his shoulder. The world around me faded into the background as I pulled the trigger, the sound of the shot echoing across the valley.

The buck staggered, then bolted, disappearing into the brush. My heart was pounding, adrenaline surging as I watched the spot where he had vanished. I waited, counting the seconds, giving the animal time to succumb to the shot. After what felt like an eternity, I climbed down from my stand and began tracking the blood trail.

The Texas sun was rising higher now, casting long shadows across the landscape as I moved through the brush. The trail led me deeper into the thicket, where I finally found him, lying still among the tall grass. The shot had been true, and I felt a surge of respect and gratitude for the animal that had given me this experience.

As I knelt beside the buck, I took a moment to appreciate the beauty and power of the wilderness around me. Hunting in Texas was everything I had hoped it would be—a test of patience, skill, and respect for nature. The experience was more than just the thrill of the hunt; it was a connection to the land and the traditions that had been passed down through generations.

I knew this would not be my last time hunting in Texas, but it would always be one I remembered.
The first light of dawn was just breaking over the rugged Texas landscape, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. The air was crisp, carrying the earthy scent of mesquite and the distant call of a mourning dove. I had been up long before the sun, prepping my gear, checking my rifle, and mentally preparing for the day ahead. This was my first deer hunt in the Lone Star State, and I could feel the excitement thrumming through my veins.

I was deep in the heart of Texas, on a sprawling ranch that seemed to stretch endlessly across the horizon. The land was a mix of rolling hills, thick brush, and open fields—prime territory for the white-tailed deer that roamed these parts. My guide, an old-timer with decades of experience, had taken me to a secluded spot overlooking a narrow draw. He had assured me this was a prime location, where deer often passed through as they moved from their bedding areas to feed.

As I settled into my stand, the world around me began to come alive. The rustle of leaves, the scurrying of small critters, and the occasional snap of a twig kept my senses on high alert. Time seemed to slow down as I scanned the area, my eyes searching for any sign of movement. The patience required in hunting was both a challenge and a thrill—every moment of silence was charged with the possibility of sudden action.

It wasn't long before I spotted a flicker of movement in the distance. My heart rate quickened as I focused on the source—a buck, cautiously stepping out from the cover of the brush. He was a magnificent animal, his antlers proudly displayed, his coat a rich brown that blended almost perfectly with the landscape. I watched as he moved slowly, methodically, his senses finely tuned to any danger that might be lurking.

I steadied my rifle, taking a deep breath to calm myself. The buck was still some distance away, but he was moving closer, following the path that would bring him right into my line of sight. The minutes felt like hours as I waited, my finger hovering over the trigger, every muscle in my body tensed in anticipation.

Finally, the moment came. The buck paused, lifting his head to sniff the air, his eyes scanning the surroundings. It was now or never. I lined up my shot, focusing on a spot just behind his shoulder. The world around me faded into the background as I pulled the trigger, the sound of the shot echoing across the valley.

The buck staggered, then bolted, disappearing into the brush. My heart was pounding, adrenaline surging as I watched the spot where he had vanished. I waited, counting the seconds, giving the animal time to succumb to the shot. After what felt like an eternity, I climbed down from my stand and began tracking the blood trail.

The Texas sun was rising higher now, casting long shadows across the landscape as I moved through the brush. The trail led me deeper into the thicket, where I finally found him, lying still among the tall grass. The shot had been true, and I felt a surge of respect and gratitude for the animal that had given me this experience.

As I knelt beside the buck, I took a moment to appreciate the beauty and power of the wilderness around me. Hunting in Texas was everything I had hoped it would be—a test of patience, skill, and respect for nature. The experience was more than just the thrill of the hunt; it was a connection to the land and the traditions that had been passed down through generations.

I knew this would not be my last time hunting in Texas, but it would always be one I remembered.
Great story very well written ,thank you.
That was quick. Went from a new hunter/member looking for a mentor to having a "Field and Stream" story about hunting Texas. Impressive! We just need some "show" now to go along with the "tell". 😉

The first light of dawn was just breaking over the rugged Texas landscape, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. The air was crisp, carrying the earthy scent of mesquite and the distant call of a mourning dove. I had been up long before the sun, prepping my gear, checking my rifle, and mentally preparing for the day ahead. This was my first deer hunt in the Lone Star State, and I could feel the excitement thrumming through my veins.

I was deep in the heart of Texas, on a sprawling ranch that seemed to stretch endlessly across the horizon. The land was a mix of rolling hills, thick brush, and open fields—prime territory for the white-tailed deer that roamed these parts. My guide, an old-timer with decades of experience, had taken me to a secluded spot overlooking a narrow draw. He had assured me this was a prime location, where deer often passed through as they moved from their bedding areas to feed.

As I settled into my stand, the world around me began to come alive. The rustle of leaves, the scurrying of small critters, and the occasional snap of a twig kept my senses on high alert. Time seemed to slow down as I scanned the area, my eyes searching for any sign of movement. The patience required in hunting was both a challenge and a thrill—every moment of silence was charged with the possibility of sudden action.

It wasn't long before I spotted a flicker of movement in the distance. My heart rate quickened as I focused on the source—a buck, cautiously stepping out from the cover of the brush. He was a magnificent animal, his antlers proudly displayed, his coat a rich brown that blended almost perfectly with the landscape. I watched as he moved slowly, methodically, his senses finely tuned to any danger that might be lurking.

I steadied my rifle, taking a deep breath to calm myself. The buck was still some distance away, but he was moving closer, following the path that would bring him right into my line of sight. The minutes felt like hours as I waited, my finger hovering over the trigger, every muscle in my body tensed in anticipation.

Finally, the moment came. The buck paused, lifting his head to sniff the air, his eyes scanning the surroundings. It was now or never. I lined up my shot, focusing on a spot just behind his shoulder. The world around me faded into the background as I pulled the trigger, the sound of the shot echoing across the valley.

The buck staggered, then bolted, disappearing into the brush. My heart was pounding, adrenaline surging as I watched the spot where he had vanished. I waited, counting the seconds, giving the animal time to succumb to the shot. After what felt like an eternity, I climbed down from my stand and began tracking the blood trail.

The Texas sun was rising higher now, casting long shadows across the landscape as I moved through the brush. The trail led me deeper into the thicket, where I finally found him, lying still among the tall grass. The shot had been true, and I felt a surge of respect and gratitude for the animal that had given me this experience.

As I knelt beside the buck, I took a moment to appreciate the beauty and power of the wilderness around me. Hunting in Texas was everything I had hoped it would be—a test of patience, skill, and respect for nature. The experience was more than just the thrill of the hunt; it was a connection to the land and the traditions that had been passed down through generations.

I knew this would not be my last time hunting in Texas, but it would always be one I remembered.
I thought Louis Amour passed away! I see that was a rumour....nice to see you're writing again Louis! When is the next book coming? 🤣
That was quick. Went from a new hunter/member looking for a mentor to having a "Field and Stream" story about hunting Texas. Impressive! We just need some "show" now to go along with the "tell". 😉

Excellent point, sir.
I'm typically the most trusting guy you'll find but my hackles are up here.

I see an AI / bot issue or a bored troll here.

Hate to sound thar way but it don't add up. Asking for hunting advice this writing an award winning story with no pics about what would have to be last season since rifle season doesn't open until November.
Ah yes. Nothing quite sums up the essence of hunting like hiring a guide on a sprawling ranch and enduring the patience and test of wills required to shoot a buck out of a stand right away on your first sit. #TXWhitetails
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