Am I in trouble


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
willows, ca.
With the new lead ban in Cali is my 6.5-.284 Norma relegated to pedestrian? I see they don't make over a 120 gr all copper bullet. How will these perform when you start extending the range out to 1000 yards. I built this rifle last year and its lights out with 140 gr VLDs. Just looking for any thoughts/ experiences anyone may have. Thank you for the replies in advance.
Unfortunately, if 1000 ft/pds of energy which can be achieved at 1000 yards with a 140 VLD was your requirement, you will now be getting this at 500-600 yards. Even if a bullet maker produces a sleek 140, it will be very long and likely restrict powder capacity in the 6.5x284.
What is the twist in your rifle? GS Custom built me some heavier 6.5's to try this year. They function differently than lead core. You can't look at them the same way. Kinda like apples and oranges. Not looking to start a bullet debate here just what I prefer. And I don't have bullet restrictions. With these new longer HV's the bc's are pretty good and muzzle vel will significantly increase. Your long range potential will increase. I will be confirming drops on a 6.5-06 running the 117g HV at 3450 fps tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be good. This will maintain 1000 ft/lb at about 1100 yards. 17.6 moa drop and 4.17 moa drift for a 10mph wind. Your 6.5-284 will run this as well or better. These numbers are using a projected bc of .6. This worked at 600 but that means nothing. Will get it out to 1000 or so tomorrow.

Cutting Edge makes a 130 and 140 gr bullet. The BC's wont be quite what the VLD's are but they are pretty good and for weight, you can shoot them a little faster. One of our Wyoming members tried the 140's in his 8.4" twist 6.5 WSM and they would not stabilize. They are stabilizing in an 8 twist in our higher elevations.
My thoughts......"SCREW IT...SHOOT LEAD"!! What is it...a $50.00 fine?? And who is going to catch you? Just keep some loaded coppers on hand in the field.

They banned lead shot here in ND for waterfoul. Everyone I know shoots lead. No one has been caught yet, and IF you get caught....$25.00 fine.

Screw it.
Thanks guys. I'm running a 25" 8.5 twist Brux. Can't wait to hear how those GS Customs come out. Thanks again for the info. Guess ill just have to burn up the good stuff in the next 5 years.
I like your thinking 4x but nothing in this state is that easy. My $25 cell phone ticket cost me over $90. They always get ya with the "cost of the court" BS. Maybe by 2019 I can talk the family into another state. Socialism, I'm on my way...
8.5 is what I am running in the 6.5-06. Headed to the range now to do some short range work before tomorrow. What is your elevation? We are generally no lower than 3000 ft.

Barnes makes a great all copper 127gr LRX. I'll give you a few to try. I feel your pain,my 6.5x284 eats berger 140 gr hybrids.
Also 4X has a valid point.
Thanks digger. Ill order some. Kinda hoping this will get these company's to address the need. I built mine on a long action for the longer bullets so I'm not worried about the length.
I use the Hornady 120 GMX in my 6.5 wsm at around 3400fps they shoot very well & are accurate out past 1000.

I'm not sure how the terminal performance will be way out there, but they are very good at "normal" ranges.

They are longer than the 140 Amax & appear to be very similar in shape.

I have used plenty of Cutting Edge .375, .416 & .510, they are great.

Haven't tried any on the smaller ones yet but would assume they would do the job very well.
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