Alternative uses for precision shooting equipment


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2020
I thought I would open a discussion on possible alternative uses for all the specialized stuff we aquire in our search for more precision and accuracy. I am sure I'm not the only one to come up with an idea that fits in this discussion, so let's share our great, or not so great ideas.

Last night I was disassembling a bipod so I could draw the pieces in 3D CAD when some small ball bearings popped out and rolled in every direction across my desk. This happened several times, I would scramble to catch and contain them, until one rolled over the back edge of the desk. I crawled under the desk with my trusty Surefire light and could not see the little bugger anywhere. I moved the desk and still no luck, so I just stopped and went to bed. In the morning, with my Magnetospeed bayonet in hand Started brushing it across the carpet and snap, the little bearing jumped right out of the carpet and onto the Magnetospeed! So in case you loose any small gun parts in your carpet, or out in the woods, make sure to bring your trusty Magnetospeed along!

Shoot, I might even try magnet fishing with it. I'd like to see someone try that with their Lab Radar or optical chronograph! Way to go Magnetospeed!