Here's the situation….
You've been offered an AWP at a good price (AWP is the CT version of the straight AW –guaranteed sub 0.5MOA).
Someone has offered to buy your 0.7MOA 308 sporter at a good price. 'Swopping' to the AWP will only cost you £300 / $500.
You're left-handed…..Your sporter is left-handed…...4 years ago, you promised yourself you would only buy left-handed rifles……BUT……...the AWP is right handed.
Your judgement is clouded because you've always had a hankering for an AI rifle.
What do you do??!
Someone please talk some sense to me!
You've been offered an AWP at a good price (AWP is the CT version of the straight AW –guaranteed sub 0.5MOA).
Someone has offered to buy your 0.7MOA 308 sporter at a good price. 'Swopping' to the AWP will only cost you £300 / $500.
You're left-handed…..Your sporter is left-handed…...4 years ago, you promised yourself you would only buy left-handed rifles……BUT……...the AWP is right handed.
Your judgement is clouded because you've always had a hankering for an AI rifle.
What do you do??!
Someone please talk some sense to me!