ADL to BDL....


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2018
My rifle is built off of a Remington 700 ADL (Blind magazine) action. I want to get a BDL stock for it. What is needed to convert it?
You need a BDL hinged floor plate/trigger guard and a BDL internal magazine box.

places like Brownells/Midway sell the conversion kits, and those list out the parts you need if you want to find them elsewhere.

edited because I was an idiot and put bad info about screws while distracted.
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You need a BDL hinged floor plate/trigger guard and a BDL internal magazine box, and an extra screw for the floor plate (uses 3 screws where the ADL uses 2).

places like Brownells/Midway sell the conversion kits, and those list out the parts you need if you want to find them elsewhere.
As Remington has been 'not working' for some months, the 'conversion kit' has been discontinued at Brownells and everywhere else. The parts you need will have to be sourced in the classifieds (in the online gun forums) or ebay or firearms auction sites. BDL uses 2 screws, not 3. Expect to pay a premium for the trigger guard/floor plate assembly. After market, like the Sunny Hill that Brownells sells, may be near the same price as original Remington, but the Sunny Hill is far better quality.
As Remington has been 'not working' for some months, the 'conversion kit' has been discontinued at Brownells and everywhere else. The parts you need will have to be sourced in the classifieds (in the online gun forums) or ebay or firearms auction sites. BDL uses 2 screws, not 3. Expect to pay a premium for the trigger guard/floor plate assembly. After market, like the Sunny Hill that Brownells sells, may be near the same price as original Remington, but the Sunny Hill is far better quality.
Yes- I feel like an idiot! I don't know why I said 3 screws, probably because I was wrangling two kiddos. The parts for the ADL are different than pets for BDL though, which is what I was getting at with the recommendation to look at the parts list on a website like Midway or Brownells.

THANK YOU for catching that! I have edited to remove the misinformation.
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jpfrog is correct the hawkins precision oberndorl bottom metal is awesome and you can get a complete kit I believe
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