Adams & Bennett barrel


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2004
It is still in the box, 24", crowned, pre-threaded for large ring Mauser, short chambered, varmint weight. Does anybody know if they are good quality, cut or button rifled? I don't have any particular use for it, but who knows???

I called Adams & Bennett, but they said they only make 10-22 barrels, and no one there knew anything about this one. It's not going anywhere, so I have some time before I decide if I want to get it.

Any info appreciated. I'll probably post on 6BR too.

Thanks, Tom
It is still in the box, 24", crowned, pre-threaded for large ring Mauser, short chambered, varmint weight. Does anybody know if they are good quality, cut or button rifled? I don't have any particular use for it, but who knows???

I called Adams & Bennett, but they said they only make 10-22 barrels, and no one there knew anything about this one. It's not going anywhere, so I have some time before I decide if I want to get it.

Any info appreciated. I'll probably post on 6BR too.

Thanks, Tom

They are not bad barrels. They are cheap barrels. They are about on par with average factory barrels. They are button rifled.

I have one for my Savage in 22-250AI- 14"twis. It will shoot 1/2" without much load development. I just use it for fireforming for my 8" twist Douglas barrel.
adams and bennet barrels shoot as good as my lilja barrel have a lilja on my 25-06 and adams &Bennett on my 250 ai both shoot about half inch sometimes better .
Update...I fitted it to a MK X commercial solid bottom single-shot action and bedded it into a re-inletted 40X single shot stock. Haven't had time to finish breaking it in, but haven't got consistently under 1 moa. Hope I can find the "silver bullet" when I get some load development done.

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