As a gunsmith, this is definately a doable job. But to say it would be simple is a little bold.
It could possibly be easy if the headspace happened to turn out to be a little long with the new barrel/action combo.
In this case, you simply turn the barrel shoulder back until the headspace is correct and then make the corresponding alterations to the barrel face, and bolt nose recess in the barrel to allow proper clearance when the bolt is locked down.
This would be the easy way.
If the headspace measurement is short, then more work could possibly be needed. If it is only a few thousands short, it is a simple matter to turn the bolt locking lugs down a couple thousands to set the bolt back and increase headspace measurements to within spec.
If you need to increase the headspace measurement significantly, you will need to have the chamber deepened with a chambering reamer and this is more involved. Easy but more involved.
I have fitted together rifles like the one you discribe in as little as 20 minutes but some have takes several hours to fit correctly.
I am probably more critical on getting min headspace measurements then some smiths as many will get within 0.010" to 0.015" and call it good, I want to get the measurement within +/- 0.001" of zero in a bolt action.
So yes it can easily be done, but it can be a more significant project them many think. Us gunsmiths just usually do not tell you that.
Good Shooting!!
Kirby Allen(50)