Accubond success


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2004
Here´s some pics of a deer hunt last week.I wont bother everyone with the details, so to make a long story short, I spotted this guy and prepared for the shot with my factory rem mountain rifle in 7 rm cal.

Bullet was an accubond 160 leaving the muzzle at some 2910 ft/s ( got a pretty short 23 " barrel). Distance was 360 yds, aimed for the shoulder and took the shot. The deer stiffened but did not move.. I was pretty sure I´d hit it but just in case took a second shot, and he just went down.

On arriving to the deer it was clear that the first shot was spot on, went in through the right shoulder destroying the bone, went through the other side leaving a not too big exit wound.

Second shot went through the rib cage and also exited. It had been clearly unncecessary.

This deer weighed over 300 lbs. so I am now absolutely confident in the accubond... I had been using the 162 amax for smaller game during the last year but was not sure it would work on a shot like thbis,. My impression is that the amax bullet would have just exploded upon impact on tbhe shoulder.



Here´s the effect of the firs shot ( skin lifted for the pic, entrance hole was caliber size and barely visible)

Here´s the first shot exit


Here´s the second shot exit:

Beautiful animal! Is that a red deer?
Congratulations on a fine shot and always glad to get field reports on bullet performance.
Yes , red deer.

Could not take more pics.. battery did not die, but some sand that had stuck around the objective when my daughter had dropped the camera in the beach a month ago decided to intervene......
Great job buddy. Wierd about the different inputs about Accubond performance. So far I have had the exact same results as you did and yet so many others have had negative results. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Congratulations on a successful hunt and good shooting; very handsome stag. Where were you hunting? I've never hunted red deer, but would like to someday. I'm sure the details of the hunt would be most interesting.
Great deer,

Congratulations on a fine looking stag.
Looks like the 160 gr AB performed flawlessly in your 7mm RM. I use the same bullet in my 280 AI.

Thanks for sharing the story and pictures.

Thanks everyone.

Bill I had been using the amax on goats and performed always well, but we´re talking a max. weight of some 110 lbs. against 300 to 370lbs of deer. I guess a rib cage shot wth the amax would work especially when not at close range, but I was not willing to experience a bullet failure if hitting bone ( which in any case was my intended target). /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif..

To be honest I had also thought about the 175 RBBT wildcat which has shot great in my rifle but have not had a chance to properly test it and get used to its ballsitics and behaviour in the field. I wonder what you guys think this bullet, having a light jacket, would have done in a shot like this.
Mtsheep, hunt was central Spain, some 200 km. south of Madrid.
The rut was just starting in this area and I could hear some stags calling but not much movement. Place is pretty thick with trees and in fact the area shown in the picture was one of the clearest. Shot was taken between some branches of the trees on the side of the hill from which i was shooting, so apart from the usual care I had to check that no branch or twig was in front of the bullet for the whole travel.

Shot was taken prone from my rucksack.

The previous days I had been able to sneak up onto 2 deer at pretty close range, only way to see and assess them since they were inside the forest. Both turned out to be pretty small.

This is not a significant trophy for our standards but nevertheles a nice formed rack. I had a "tag" from last year when I did not get a chance to shoot so i was given another oportunity; this meant I could not bee too picky lest I left without shooting again and become a very nice donor to the owners of the land, giving away my money for nothing ¡¡

A clear example of the importance of LRH showed up. Another hunter was there and did not even shoot.. he says he saw a monster but could not take a shot since he was very far ( I reckon it was around 350-400 yds /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif).

The rut is the best time to hunt since as you know they become less shy. Of course there are better huntable areas where game is spotted much easier, but in this place I can assure you I spent hours with my binoc. I only saw 2 deer ( apart from the 2 I sneaked up on).

It is also typical during the winter to organize driven hunts with packs of dogs, so that game can be removed from the forest and bush , but that´s another LRH and too much luck involved.
thanks for the report, beautiful stag.

having not taken an animal with the accubond yet, my confidence has been restored with the pic of that shoulder hit.
YOU DESTROYED THAT SHOULDER! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif....nice shooting!
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