A Sightron for my Edge Project?


Active Member
Jan 22, 2008
All my main parts will be here this month! Now It's scope time. I'm looking at the Sigthtron 6x24x50 LR MD. The scope of choice would be a Nightforce, but some of my rat hole money had to be spent on some unexpected bills. I try to pay as I go. I still need to get a better range finder, like the Swaro Laser Guide. I'm trying to keep both in the budget. What do you guys think? Sightron to get shooting with a good range finder or the Nightforce with a yardage pro that won't range over 900 yards.


You may decide you don't need the NF after looking through a Sightron SIII.
Another scope to consider in that price range would be the Bushnell 6500 Tactical.

I'm not sure if you have done this or not but I would try and look thru a SIII at distances you could be shooting at because for me the MilDots in the SIII are a bit on the big side and tend to cover things up. I think the Optics of the SIII are very good especially if you consider the cost.

I think the 6500 and the SIII are on par with one another in both cost and optics. The 6500 IMHO is worth looking at.
[Another scope in your budget might be a IOR 16x42 Fixed, heaps of adjustment and from all accounts a VERY reliable scope and amazing glass and reticle (MP 8)
I would go with the Sightron/Swaro as well, put I would get the fine dot reticle instead of the mildot.
I have the sightron/leica crf1200 combo so I know what you are going through.
The siightron has handled my 338 lapua and 7wsm very well.Both have brakes also.
Took my 7wsm with the sightron on an antelope hunt and it performed flawlessly. I dialed it up and down throughout the hunt and made a 600yds shot on a buck and then dialed in a 400yd shot on a doe 30mins later, in 30mph winds.

Both shots dropped them in their tracks.

If I didn't have a good rangefinder , I couldn't have made the shots. Getting an acccurate range is one of the most important/difficult things in the field to do. I had a bushnel 800 and it wouldn't have worked
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I do agree that the Mil-Dot reticle is heavy for my uses, I was still able to kill a prairie dog beyond 1K with it and then a week later used for a competition and averaged around 1MOA @ 500 yards for four 5-shot groups, and right at 1 1/8th MOA at 750 yards for four 5-shot groups. One group at 750 was 5". This was with a 15" 6x47Lapua with a medium load, so wind was a little more tricky than a faster set-up.
Do I like the new VX-3 Leupold better in comparable magnifications? Yes, but for the price point the Sightron/Swaro combo is a better deal, and surely good enough to get the job done.
What about Leupold the are very good scope at a lower cost than Nightforce.

Mike @ CS TACTICAL.com
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