While I'm by no means new to reloading, this one has got me scratching my head big time. I purchased a Weatherby Vanguard Range Certified (guarantee less than 1 moa) new not too long ago along with 100 new Lapua brass cases. Originally stated load development with IMR 4895 and then the powder shortage set in and I had to switch to IMR-4064 as I was able to get 14lbs of it. Throughout load development I only neck sized. Best load seems to be 49.0grs IMR-4064 with bullet seated .011 off the lands with groups 50% of the time under 1/2 inch and some 1/4 inch and the other 50% around 3/4 inch to just under. In an attempt to get more consistent groups I had already eliminated everything I could think of....EXCEPT headspace as I was only neck sizing, nonetheless I figured let me just check headspace...and man was I in for a surprise.
Of the 100 lapua cases fired out of the Weatherby the cases measure anywhere from .003 to .017 BELOW max headspace for 30-06 using Wilson case gauge along with Wilson case gauge depth micrometer. So I took 8 cases that all had the same headspace and loaded them up and shot them today. Four shot 3/4 inch group and four shot 3/8 inch group @100yds and once again noticed several primers were slightly above flush (having seated them .002 below flush with tight primer pockets. A buddy of mine at the range said you might have too much headspace so measure the case with the primers in them and then measure w/o the primer. The result are as follows: with primer .002 - .004 below max. w/o primers .004 - .012 below max. so at this point I pulled out my Hornady Headspace Gauge and cases measure 2.035 - 2.040 now If I'm reading SAMMI spec correctly max headspace is 2.052 -.007 setting minimum at 2.045. So best case I'm .005 shorter than minimum and worst case .007 shorter. How in the heck is this happening, I thought cases were supposed to stretch to eventually fit the chamber....remember I haven't FL sized any. I'm lost and would appreciate any insights. Thanks.