A new Range Finder with a Ballistic App


Feb 2, 2013
I am in the market for a new Ranger Finder with a ballistic App on my phone so i can bluetooth to the Rangefinder.
I have a BDX and the app is great but the range finder is rubbish and often wont range past a couple of hundred yards.
The best I have tried is a Revic but these are getting up their in price. I dont like the App on the Leica 2800
Is there anything else out there really good?
I have 10x42 Swarovski rf for sale on here.....they connect Bluetooth I believe... Screenshot_20240721_132500_Chrome.jpg
My Element Optics rangefinders give me the same drop data that my Revic BLR10 did and don't frustrating me to no end. Displays could be a little better, but they are easy to use, affordable, and the application is straight forward.
I am in the market for a new Ranger Finder with a ballistic App on my phone so i can bluetooth to the Rangefinder.
I have a BDX and the app is great but the range finder is rubbish and often wont range past a couple of hundred yards.
The best I have tried is a Revic but these are getting up their in price. I dont like the App on the Leica 2800
Is there anything else out there really good?
Here are some reviews done:
Sig Kilo5k and it's siblings are pretty good. The 5k lasers to 2k easily, but it only calculates ballistics to 800 yards by design. It would be SOOO much more usefull if they set the max to 1000 instead of 800.... Oh well.
My Element Optics rangefinders give me the same drop data that my Revic BLR10 did and don't frustrating me to no end. Displays could be a little better, but they are easy to use, affordable, and the application is straight forward.
Does it range reliably, because my Sig BDX often would not range easilly compared to my old Leica,,
Does it range reliably, because my Sig BDX often would not range easilly compared to my old Leica,,

So far they have been fast and accurate. I have tested my Helix out to about 1300 yards, and the Titan out to about 2100. I got a couple false positives with the Titan where it seemed to reflect something much closer than I was aiming at, but the Helix has been flawless. The Helix is really lightweight and easy to handle and punches way above its price point. I had the Sig 2400ABS and it felt heavier like a more premium product and had a better display, but I think the Helix beats it in pure simplicity and ranging functionality.

I will say I get frustrated with convoluted apps and menus with rangefinders that try to do too much. Sig was about as much as I could handle and I really hated the Revic. The Element stuff is fairly set and forget. I suppose it really comes down to how much user input one wants both in general and for every shot.
Which Sig do you have? I don't think "BDX" is a model, it's a feature/technology.
Mine is a 2200. I like the app and the ballistic solution, It just doesn't effectively range animals. It's ok at the rifle range if you try a few times, eventually it will give you a range but if failed dismally on my Ibex Trip at Kyrgyistan. I had to fall back to my old Leica and a dope card, which thankfully worked.
So far they have been fast and accurate. I have tested my Helix out to about 1300 yards, and the Titan out to about 2100. I got a couple false positives with the Titan where it seemed to reflect something much closer than I was aiming at, but the Helix has been flawless. The Helix is really lightweight and easy to handle and punches way above its price point. I had the Sig 2400ABS and it felt heavier like a more premium product and had a better display, but I think the Helix beats it in pure simplicity and ranging functionality.

I will say I get frustrated with convoluted apps and menus with rangefinders that try to do too much. Sig was about as much as I could handle and I really hated the Revic. The Element stuff is fairly set and forget. I suppose it really comes down to how much user input one wants both in general and for every shot.
Ok that does sound positive. I did like the Revic I used briefly. I had a play with the Element App and I like it. I like fact that with the hold over you can set it for inches and not just MOA or Mils. This is good if you dont have a dial-able scope and just want to use kentucky windage. I could not see where you could set altitude in the app though.
I have had great experiences with my rangefinders from both Sig and Gunwerks. Rangefinders tend to operate under the same axim as optics in general - you get what you pay for. With optics (scopes) you are buying best glass you can afford. With rangefinders, your money is going into the laser and laser beam itself (strength, shape of beam, dispersion, etc). The next biggest component being the ballitic software & bluetooth capabilities. Buy the higher end stuff and you will not be disappointed in performance. My last rangefinder was a Sig 2400 ABS. For some reason, it began to give me false/no readings after 400 yds. or so. I sent it back to Sig to have them check it out. They called me a week later and confirmed the unit was broke. Instead of fixing it, they sent me their brand new Sig 8K rangefinder. Hard to argue with customer service like that.
I am in the market for a new Ranger Finder with a ballistic App on my phone so i can bluetooth to the Rangefinder.
I have a BDX and the app is great but the range finder is rubbish and often wont range past a couple of hundred yards.
The best I have tried is a Revic but these are getting up their in price. I dont like the App on the Leica 2800
Is there anything else out there really good?
Gunwerks BR4 and their binoculars are first class optics that provide what you are looking for.
Why not just buy an ATN rifle scope that does it all for you bring a good set of binoculars for spotting save a bunch of money and you're done. and you can record the kill also is a plus.