A new Oregon guy


Active Member
Apr 3, 2008
Well I'v been looking around for a little bit and would like to get in to long range shooting more and this place has a lot of info. My longest kill is about 500 yards on a doe and some how got a Coyote on a dead run at 300 yards must of been lucky that day my two favorite rifles are a Remington M700 Adl 7mm RM with a Nikon Buckmasters 3x9 and Ruger M77 2506 with a Nikon Buckmasters 4.5x14 But some day will like to buy a new long range rifle or have one built will see how much money I have:)
Welcome to the site!! Its a great place to share and learn everything about long range hunting and shooting. You'll learn more here in about a weeks time then anywhere on the net about long range. Bunch a good guys here who are all geared towards the same thing. Wont bash you for making or wanting to make a long range kill.

Where you located in Oregon?? I myself am from Hermiston.
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