A little Help or Guidance Please


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2008
hello everyone reading,
i currently use a pair of 25x100mm binos to find bedded deer sometimes 275/1000 yards away. i cant complain much about the binos, their only zhumell tachyon 25x but they fit my budget etc,
im looking at getting another pair of glass to scan with also, maybe sometimes hand held for 3-4 min and the other times on small tripod just depends on if im mobile at that particular spot. so im looking into trying to upgrade some gear, id like a bino around the 15x range so i can spot them at distances and then get my 25x out for possible shots. I am on a fixed income due to a car accident at age 7.. So i try my hardest to research.
i have been looking at a few particular pair. (1) oberwerk ULTRA series 15x70. (2) the vortex vulture hd 15x56. my price range is limited and i just sold 2 collector revolvers to make up some funds for this project.
ive read so many pages and reviews on both pair. i have bad eyes, but wear contacts. can someone please give me some opinions and suggestions?
Dave -P.A.
Not sure I can recommend a set because I don't have any mentioned. I will tell you though I would be less concerned with the power and more concerned with the quality of glass. He's an example I have 10x liaca bios. And a 6-24x Nikon monarch scope.
I was recently in Texas with both. First time out with this combo. I always loved my Nikon for this rifle setup and I do own Swarovski and nightforce. I was glassing for deer and found a smal group feeding when I set up my rifle for a more powerful look I was shock at how terrible it seemed compared to the 10x liaca. Even at 16-18 x I had less of an idea of what the horn looked like than with the bios.
So I would t get as hung up on power as glass. Figure out what you can spend and try and get the best glass you can. Or a happy medium of both. I know it doesn't help make the choice easier just food for thought.
yes your correct snox , i just figured 12-15 power is decent for glassing the said distances. your completely right about mag vs glass.
i got about 650 to spend on a pair of binos. i have read about glass etc etc. both pair are similar in the "specs" and both pair give specs on glass coatings etc. i am all ears , hoping people chime in about what they think/feel about the glass on the 2 models listed above and also open to considering others brands. i cant spend $1000 on pair of binos, so im looking at brands out there and what they say about there glass etc etc in this price range.
I just purchased a pair of the Vortex Vultures HD,15x56. Like you said, a few minutes hand held
then to a tripod. Talked to a Vortex tec before purchasing mine and he stated that for the money
the vultures were the best buy. He himself said he would take these over the Vortex HD 15x50
binos. Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for replying, how long have you used them so far? What do you think? It's hard for me to get it out of my head that , if I drop my binos, and bust them up, vortex says yep we'll cover that! The exit pupil is 3.7 on the vultures. Seem ok?
I have just used them with a tripod so far. Just spotting deer up above my place here. So far
have been very pleased. Binos are very clear, I am able to see a lot of detail. Glad I sold
my spotting scope and replaced it with these. Vortex warranty is great. Sent another pair
of binos in for some work, no problem and turn around time was fast.
varmint if i may ask, how far are the deer your looking at? the price on the vultures just dropped also. i thought about considering saving for the vortex rangefinding bino coming out . kinda kill 2 birds with 1 stone since im upgrading range finder also soon.
hoping some other vortex owners chime in. the razors aren't and option for me..
Some are well over a mile away. If there was good buck you would be able to tell if you
wanted to pursue it or not. I like these binos better than the spotting scope, Luepold, gold ring,12-40x60, I sold to purchase these. I wanted to cut down on carrying additional glass. These binos
fit my situation. Plus I got them for a really great price.
The Nikon Monarch 5 are a real surprise, I had both the Swaro and Nikon but ended up selling the Swaro(you can see my old listing in the optics forum) because the difference was so slight and when you could notice it was beyond legal shooting hours. And I didn't use then enough to justify keeping them around, the Nikons on the other hand are a third of the price.

New 15X Monster Binos | Outdoor Life
i read that page also wedgy good read too. i seriously considered the nikon's but once again that vortex vip warranty is in my head . everyone i talk to seems to say they think the the 15x56 vulture are actually better than the viper 15x50 inn certain aspects. to be honest the most i ever spent on binos before buying my 25x100 zhumells was like a 80 dollar pair of nikon's for archery.
Dave, Nikon just came out with their new Bino/Rangefinder at Shot Show 2017. Not at retailers yet but it will be a hot ticket from the reviews and responses received at Shot. Best of all under $1200. I'll add the specs for you below. Nikon also has a VR,Vibration Reduction Rangfinder that I have used this past hunting season. I like it so much I have zero plans to return it! It worked in blizzard condition's in KS to a deer blind with 40 mph winds in OK. I beleive it's under $400 too. 7IVR Rangfinder.

16212 10×42 LaserForce
16212 10x42 LaserForce
Rangefinder Features:

Rangefinder Binocular with 10-1900 yard range*
Maximum measurement distance
- Reflective - 1900 yards
- Tree - 1400 yards
- Deer - 1100 yards
ID (Incline/Decline) Technology
Displays in .1-yard increments to 100 yards, 1-yard increments over 100 yards
Single or continuous measurement (up to 8 seconds)
Bright and clear red OLED display with 4-step intensity adjustment
Auto Power Shut-Off function saves battery life by shutting down after 8 seconds of non-use
Binocular Features:

ED (Extra-low dispersion) Glass
Full multilayer-coated lenses and prisms
Lead-and-arsenic-free glass
Long eye relief design
Turn-and-slide multi-click rubber eyecups
Flip-down objective lens caps
Rubber Armoring over rugged metal die-cast body
Tripod Adaptable
bman ,
thanks for the info i havent heard of these yet at all . i been reading my ***** off on the net , but not so much for the rangefinder/bino combo yet. sounds similar to the vortex fury line around the same price point. where is the monarch series made, and the new 1 you speak of? what is nikons warranty like? i only own 1 pair of small nikons for bow hunts,
i like the idea of the combo but could never even begin to look at them because the prices , i just couldnt throw 2500 on it for deer hunting..
Well thanks for everyone's input and helped with ideas. i ended up getting the vultures mainly because they were only $370! i now know more companies are offering now fault lifetime warranties. this is great news . their also offering bino/rangefinder combos at a fair price point for guys like myself with limited funds. im still very interested in both the nikon and vortex combos. looking forward to learning about both.
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