A dedicated higher scope for load development?


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2009
I was wondering, do you guys have a dedicated high power scope for load development? I am using what i have on my rifle which is a 6x Vortex which is a great scope. For for load development would i need a higher magnification and use that so i can actually see the bullseye alot easier? :rolleyes:
I understand what your saying. I sort of plan to do this. i am buying a tactical/practical and practice rig, and also have a long range F-T/R build in progress, bought the f-tr rifle's scope first to use for load development on the tactical rig, then will switch it over to the f-class rig and get a lower power one with 1/4 moa clicks and ranging reticle for the tactical rifle.

6x is a little low for load development. I prefer at least 10x, 20x or more is even better.
I understand what your saying. I sort of plan to do this. i am buying a tactical/practical and practice rig, and also have a long range F-T/R build in progress, bought the f-tr rifle's scope first to use for load development on the tactical rig, then will switch it over to the f-class rig and get a lower power one with 1/4 moa clicks and ranging reticle for the tactical rifle.

6x is a little low for load development. I prefer at least 10x, 20x or more is even better.

Interesting points although you're probably wrong ;)
I do most load development on as low a power as I can, preferably low enough to not see bullet holes. If I crank it up I start flinging shots, most of my development is with a Weaver target dot on 4x then I stick on the larger optic after that as long as I can make out a clear aim point I'm GTG.
Not a bad idea... before I got my 5.5-22 NF, my scope(s) were 2.5-10 B&L Balvars. They were good scopes, but after shooting through my NF there was no going back. I think being able to precisely focus on your POA is critical to accurate load development, especially for LR when you are trying to determine and confirm your drops. The higher your power and resolution the better. The fine reticles (crosshairs) are very helpful too. I can disect a 1" bullseye @ 300 yds and that is very helpful in determining just how the load is shooting.

The last couple of years my main two operational rifles have been my Senderos and I've swapped the scope back and forth as needed and used it for load edevelopment for both. As long as I have only one NF or equivalent, I'll use it for load development and as my primary LR hunting scope.

You bring up a good point, I like higher than 6 but dont know that you need 20, but I like to see the target well. My bench rest friends do load work w/ high power and a 2 oz. trigger, then switch trigger for hunting. I fight the trigger a bit on my larger mags at 2 + LBS. but I look at it as practice also.
I've used higher power scopes for load development and then switched to a more "hunting friendly" magnification for actual use. It's worked great for me.

If you don't want to buy another scope just for load developing, you can always turn the power down when hunting, but this has other drawbacks if you want to use a mil or moa reticle while hunting, especially if said scope is 2nd FP.

Most 2nd FP scopes that I've handled are designed so the reticle works best on maximum power........If that's 12-16X that's ok, I can use 14 for just about anything, even close range usually. If that's 25X, different story.
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