A&D FX-120i powder scales worth it


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2011
Been battling drift pretty consistently with my electronic scale lately. Thinking about biting the bullet on the A&D. Thoughts?
I think it is. Plus later you can get the dispenser that ties with it. I used just the scale for a while waiting on the vx3 and it was interesting to see the difference.
Yeah I got one about 3 months ago and I've been holding onto my rcbs beam as a back up. But I'm pretty sure if it went down I would order another at this point. Can't imagine going back…probably should see if anyone wants to buy that rcbs beam scale now that I'm thinking about it.
I bought an FX-200i for my reloading room in CO; I loved it so much I got one for my AZ room as well. The speed alone is worth the money. Cheaper electronic scales are too sluggish - I found I would lift the pan, press on it, then remove and replace and if everything was the same I called it good (but it wasn't always - would drift .1 sometimes). The FX reads instantly when you drop a single kernel of powder. Stays calibrated much longer - in fact, I hardly ever have to calibrate it.

As far as I can tell, the only diff with the 120 vs 200 is higher capacity of the later, but the 120 is plenty.