A compliment to the Forum and a little humor

2 other famous responses to a couple of your items:

1. The proper answer to: Where is the best place in town to get a steak dinner? is…You should go to Mel's Diner and get the fried chicken

Everybody knows people on the internet can cook a better steak at home than you can get at any restaurant at any price. :rolleyes:

12. A well hit animal can run 75 yds. in the open and suddenly drop with no blood trail for 25 yards, but the one I shot from 200 yds. away that ran 10 yds. and disappeared into a thicket and was not found was lost because the bullet penciled thru. I am 100% certain of this even though I have no physical evidence.

Or just the opposite, you can't use match bullets for hunting because they will blow up and not penetrate.