7mm RM and H1000


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2008
Guys I'm trying to work up a load for my 7mm Rem Mag and have been having difficulty finding data on my specific bullet powder combination. I'm loading 168 grain bergers and using H1000 powder. Who has a little intel for me?
Guys I'm trying to work up a load for my 7mm Rem Mag and have been having difficulty finding data on my specific bullet powder combination. I'm loading 168 grain bergers and using H1000 powder. Who has a little intel for me?

Email Berger and Walt will respond with data. I can post what he emailed me but it will be tonight when I get home from work. Have you referenced Steves Pages?

Here is his data: 284_4_168
My 7mm rm shoots wonderful with Retumbo and 168 burger, will use it for deer this year. Have not yet shot it over chrongraph, mine quit working. Shooting 71.5 in Norma cases with fed 215, remington 700 worked on byKenny Jarred before he got famous and too expensive.
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