7mm Rem Mag and the old Barnes...


Active Member
Jan 21, 2009
Slovak Republic
Guys, this will be practically ancient question, but... :)

My smith gave me few boxes of the old Barnes X 175gr flat base bullets (no bands on it). I like to try it with the Norma MRP-2. I already have sorted the bullets for base-to-ogive length - surprisingly accurate. The next step, I've checked the holes in the nose of the bullets, the good ones will go hunt, the others with imperfect holes will meet the paper targets during the load testing.
I expect velocities around 2900fps.
Any hunting experiences with this combo are very welcome. Thank you. My game will be european wildboars and red stags here.

COL 3.34" - touching lands

Barnes XFB 175 on lands.jpg
Still use them to this day along with the blue coated one...they will drop a boar boar like a blank from a tall dog's rear end..

Well, after a year of hunting and some dozens of shot boars and deers... I must only agree with you. Pushing em at 2920fps out of my 7mm Mag they perform just great. No animal went more than 4-5 steps and the absolute majority just fell in its tracks. Farthest shot at a young red stag at 480 yds, directly on the shoulder, he went down like hit by the train. I can only hope when I'll spend them all the TTSX or LRX will perform the same way.
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