7mm Bullets with high BC


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2003
Washington State

135 Groove, 156 Cartarucio VLD, 176 Cartarucio VLD, 180 Berger VLD and for comparison the .30 175 SMK. (Bullet weights are 135, 156, 176, 180 and 175 grains. 176 and 180 VLDs have BC at about .700! Ok, so the smaller ones have BC in the .600 range
Oh, well.)

I am currently loading the Berger in my 7mm WSM (2920mv with F215M and VV N165). Visible trace, as one would expect was considerably flatter than 175 .308 SMK at 500 meters during recent competition.


[ 06-21-2004: Message edited by: DMCI ]
Hey thanks for the suggestions and I am ammazed at a 7mm with a BC of 7.0 WOW!!!

Hey and what are your favorite loads for some of those bullets?

Note: I have a 26 inch barrel with a 1 in 9.5 twist.
Also were do I get Cartarucio bullets and are they even affordable to shoot? And will they fit in my savage 112BVSS magazine? I'm quite interested because I've never heard of these bullets before this!
Cauterucio VLD bullets:

176 grain at an honest .750 BC

Bob also has a 156 grain and someone else here can tell you what that BC is, I think around .630 or so.

Bob uses the slightly heavier 30 caliber Match King jacket material for these bullets. This gives less explosive expansion than say, the A-max. I have settled in on this as my favorite deer hunting bullet. A good combination of expansion and pass-through for trailing purposes.
7mm mag man.

I shoot the 156 cauterucio's in my 7 STW with a 26" Krieger with a 9 twist. They have a BC of .615 and will work well with your 9.5 twist.

Bob Cauterucio suggested I use them over the 176 because he thinks the 176 would be better with a 7 or 8 twist due to the bullet length. I can't speak of how the 176 would perform with a 9.5 twist.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR>Bob Cartarucio suggested I use them over the 176 because he thinks the 176 would be better with a 7 or 8 twist due to the bullet length. I can't speak of how the 176 would perform with a 9.5 twist. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Bob of course knows his bullets very well. In fact my testing to the 180 Berger in a 28" 1 in 9 twist, three groove Lilja barrel yielded mixed results. Here is the first test target I shot at 100 yards using VV N165 and WLRM primers in a 7mm WSM. The lower right hand group was actually better except I got a little over confident and pulled the last shot. OOPS!


[ 06-23-2004: Message edited by: DMCI ]
Try JLK 168 and 180 both with BC of .690 and .738. Both will work best with 9 twist. The 8 twist will not work well with them at least at 7 Rem Mag velocities.

OK Weber sells them and has website.

sierra just came out with a new 7mm 175 grain. Dave Tooley has been testing it for them in 1000 yard and doing very well. Not sure what published BC is.

7WSM just set new NBRSA record and shot a 10" group at 1 mile in Iowa last fall in 1k competitions.

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