7mag or 6.5/284


Jul 23, 2002
i plan on putting together my first long range rifle. the base rifle is a win laredo in 7mag now. what would be the better route? stick with the 7mag with 168mk or go 6.5/284 w/ 142mk? i will be going with a 28in barrel. i want good accuracy, along with being able to reliably take deer at 600 yds. thanks

You won't be able to use "THAT" 7mm Mag bolt in the existing rifle for the 284 case. The 7mm Mag and 284 case heads are not the same diameter. An insert can be made but....

If you want a LR hunting rifle, I would stay with the 7mm Mag which seems your only choice since you want to use the 7mm Mag Larado as your base rifle.


[ 06-08-2003: Message edited by: Darryl Cassel ]
I have both 7mm mag and 6.5-284 and I like them both. But as DC said you are between a rock and a hard place. I would stick with the rock and have a long throated chamber made for seating bullets way out but still keep it where you can touch the lands and keep the reloader 25 in mind when shooting. My 7mm mag is a Remington sendero but love that powder and just about any heavy bullet.
To reliably take deer at 600 yds I don't know what to use! Guys loose deer hit at 100 yds all the time. If that's the real criteria then consider the 7mm STW or better a 300 RUM.
Have you considered simply putting on a good barrel chambered for the .300 Win. mag? I did that with a Laredo that had been a 7STW and it is a super rifle. Gives you much more bullet choice and your bolt face will be OK. My long action lets me seat bullets way long and still feed through the mag. I went with a Lilja and it is a superb shooter. Get the action squared up and lapped, then have it skim-bedded into the stock with Marine Tex while you are at it. The HS is a great stock but even better when it is bedded perfectly.
At that range, both will work. For me, I lean towards the heavier bullet for LR hunting. A friend is shooting the 168gr MK out of a 280 and at 1000yds, it is still hitting with authourity. Never seen what a 6.5 140gr MK would do so can't compare.

For me, I hunt with a '06 and 165gr SST bullets and would not hesitate to take a deer at 600yds under calm conditions.

Since you are hunting, I would choose the one that will work reliably in your rifle for feeding, etc. The 7rem mag is a no brainer from the factory. The 284 case sometimes needs tuning to work. I don't want any surprises when hunting. If single feeding, you may need to start flipping coins.

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